YOOHOO with Yoodo!
This is a story on just last week when Yoodo invited me to a premier screening of SHE WAS PRETTY, a remake of a korean series starring Diana Danielle, Aiman Hakim Ridza, Alvin Chong and Daniella Sya. omg the show is amazing, hilarious and super fun to watch. haha im not a bias though coz i dont watch the original version, so i have no expectation. im clear LOL my review is purely based on the screening. i really enjoy watching the scenes between those 2 bestfriends, Nadia and Kejora. seriously tak hambar ye, kelakar giler ye HAHA congrats Dee you nailed the main character very well!
Back to Yoodo. OMG please know that im super excited to share about this event but you know being the busy me yg mengalahkan Perdana Menteri tu haha it was being pending from day to day. bad me! the event actually took place at the Dadi Cinema @Pavilion Kuala Lumpur and it was an exclusive event ONLY for Yoodo Malaysia users!
Anyhow, this series is being aired on www.viu.com and directed by the famous actor, Datuk Yusry Abdul Halim. it is already episode 5 on the web, please go and watch it coz im sure you'll be addicted too HAHA yup this first episode screening already got me stuck! FYI RomCom genre memang favourite i haha kerana itu saya berjiwa hati tisu ya HAHA watch it guys haha seriously best wei!
WATCH the series here Trailer | Episode 1
once with Dee, congrats babe :)
thanks awak! haha nanti teman sy lg k :P
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