Look #285 - How to wear a printed scarf? #PoktaScarves

Pokta Scarves / Shirt from Primark London / Uniqlo Pants / Michael Kors Bag / Vincci Sandal

Salam and Hello! sorry for the hiatus as i was just coming back from a trip, getting my head back and as usual, regaining the blogging mood is always not an easy one. this is actually my look on the last weekend when me spending some quality time with my dearest family.

The whole outfit is effortlessly casual (though that Uniqlo pants is actually my working attire! lol) but pairing it with a sandal is just an idea on how to create a laid-back look. i simply opted for that white plain shirt as to allow that scarf to be a showstopper. Honestly, it was not that hard since the colour is real bright and popped up! and that floral printing is just so pretty!

More on the scarf. as mentioned, i got it from Pokta Scarves, a custom printed shawl that comes with an exclusive box. OMG im super duper loving the packaging! plus, the shawl is obviously long enough for you to play around with any kinda hijab style. they have actually other prints as well, feel free to check on them via their official instagram @poktascarves 

Photographed by SyedAbdullahSyaihan (Thanks Brother-In-Law! haha)

Social Media | Instagram @poktascarves


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