Look #201 - The Hijabstreet 's Dilemma

Disneyland Cap from Paris / Waffaa Scarf / Padini Shirt / HM Jogger / Boots from Bandung / Rip Curl Bag

Freaking nice shots huh? no editing in terms of colours and minor adjusting on the frame. this is definitely one of my favourite outfit photographs which location was at the Stadium Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur. using the same camera of my old Canon EOS 550D but this time the result is outstanding! i love the gloomy mode of it and interesting background of the stadium's entrance.

Dilemma. Indeed i utterly agree that the way your dressing is reflecting your age. i'm not trying to brag but i always mistakenly being addressed as a student instead of a working woman who her real age is still the most sensitive issue to talk about. lol 

Often describing my personal style as a Streetstyle doesn't has anything to do with 'trying to look younger than the real age' lol it just that i am absolutely comfortable being in that way. shirt, pants and sneakers are more than enough. thanks to all the glamorous events that i attended as it give me the valid reason to experimenting with other kinda styles, more chic and yup, more feminine! nevertheless, i'm very fond of that kinda dressing as much as i do with this casual one but it was always so tiring at the end of the day! haha

twinning with my kesayangan, WanieChan

Photographed by My Personal Favourite Photographer, my beloved babe, my Kpop buddy, Ms Syazwani Ibrahim who is also my ex-unimates. we share mutual interest yet our personality is totally 180 degree twisted. she is very soft, very kind (am i not?? haha) and well, she is a very nice person who everybody would like to be friend with. seriously, if one day my dream of being a full time fashion blogger coming true, i'd definitely pursuing her to be my REAL Personal Photographer! well, hopefully i earn enough to pay her as much as her current wages lol Missing you babe..  ;')

Thanks for reading peeps. Please follow if you haven't !! hehe

Photographed by SyazwaniIbrahim and Edited SizzlingSuzai


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  1. Annyoo Kak Wani! Hehehee.. Baju nak sama tu tak tahan tuu.. heheee..

  2. hahahhahahha very soft la sangat... that one sangat tak boleh blah...palli palli lantik I jadi photographer U..cemuih aihh jadi minah kilang ni heee

    1. jhahhahah mmg soft kecuali ketika tidoq! dok sepak terajang org!!! lol hahhaha doakn murah rzki dpermudahkan sgl nya utk i amin.. ok ok ok hehe


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