[GIVEAWAY] Win Yourself Lux Magical Spell worth of RM100!


Do you ever ponder that one day you might not needing a perfume anymore? here Lux is just another step ahead with its new launching fragrance, Lux Magical Spell that could last til 8 hours after your shower, super amazing! to celebrate this great news, we are so glad to give NOT 1 but 2 hampers to the lucky winners. hence, you might need to read this.......hehe

Luxurious  shower  experience  with  its  intense  fragrance.  Lux  Magical  Spell  gives unparalleled 8 hours of long lasting fine fragrance hence inspiring Lux fans to discover their bold side and step out of their comfort zone – especially with trying new things.

With the unmistakable presence of the intense Black Orchid, the opening notes of Juniper Oil and prefect blending of dark woods, golden amber and vanilla bean, Lux Magical Spell serves as a bold, powerful fragrance.
“With the intense fragrance playing on her senses after every shower, Lux Magical Spell provides the perfect inspiration, empowering Lux fans to be more adventurous and more daring in their choices like a bolder coloured outfit, a more flirtatious pair of shoes or a bold lip colour. This bolder attitude will set her apart and make her alluringly beautiful wherever she goes,” added Yen Ne, Category Head Senior Brand Manager, Total Skin, Unilever Malaysia Holdings Sdn Bhd

Oh gosh the aroma is absolutely seductive! you could immediately smell the strong 'fragrant' once you press the cap. undeniably, the texture is very rich and pearly in purple shade will make you rejoice your shower time. i dont feel like want to spray perfume anymore after taking bath with this "Magical Spell" as i already smell fresh, incredible and confident!


As simple as you need to answer 2 questions.
1) What is the other ingredient besides the black orchid? (only one)
2) Why should I pick you as a winner??

- Please leave a comment on the below box and together with your FULL NAME & EMAIL

- Do not ever forget to FOLLOW this page and LIKE this FB page beforehand yar as assuredly, that would be one of the determination of a winner's qualification LOL hehehehe and

- Well, the best answers would be the winners. Good Luck guys!  :)

Thanks to all the participants & 

1. Alicia Yeoh (hayleymaris@gmail.com)
2. Aimi Rahman (aimi_flower@yahoo.com)

Please reply my email by 2/11/15 (9.59 pm) or else your winning will be passed to other :')

And so sorry Aimi i need to submit the winner's details and yeahh.....its time! CONGRATULATION !!!

Samiza Samsudin (wanexado86@yahoo.com) 


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  1. 1. Vanilla Bean
    2. Because i dont want to use perfume so please pass this product to me.

    Full Name : Yusmarliza Bt Mohd Yusof (liz)
    Email : yusmarliza92@yahoo.com

  2. 1) What is the other ingredient besides the black orchid? (only one)
    Answer: Juniper Oil

    2) Why should I pick you as a winner??
    Answer: I extremely confident no need to spray perfume after taking bath with this "Magical Spell" as i will already smell fresh, incredible and feel gorgeous like Suzai! :)

  3. 1) golden amber
    2) because I comel hahahaha perasan tul :)

    illy ariffin

  4. 1. Golden Amber
    2. Because I want like you , you look so confident


  5. 1. Vanilla Bean
    2. Because i want to smell good, feel great and confident

    Aiin Baharom

  6. Answers

    1. Vanilla Bean

    2. I should get picked because I deserve to pamper myself with a nice shower everyday since final semester is driving me mad! HAHA...
    And because I don't wear perfume, so I need my body to always smell awesome especially on days where I am so busy that I sometimes forget I didn't put on deodorant. Hehe

    Amira Shaiful

  7. 1. Juniper Oil, Nelumbium Speciosum Flower Oil, Soyabean Oil
    2. Sebab saya yakin saya seorang ibu yang mempunyai kecantikan luaran dan dalaman dalam membesarkan keempat empat anak lelaki. Dengan Lux Magical Spell saya mampu menyerlahkan lagi kecantikan dengan keharuman pada kulit saya. Siapa kata surirumah tak boleh wangi dan cantik sentiasa? (hikhik)

    Diya Nadia

  8. Question 1 : Dark Woods
    Question 2 : Because your review made me interested to use this product :D

    Full Name : Siti Hawa Binti Achen
    Email : angellovesoldier@gmail.com

  9. 1.juniper oil 2.because I am luxlicious, Lux keeps me smell good and stays fresh all day..no need to buy expensive perfume..stay confidence with Lux.. June Ibrahim email:juenita80@gmail.com

  10. Hi Suzai! hehe

    1. Golden Amber

    2. Because I love the calming scent that no other shower cream has before. Makes my skin softer and feel refreshing and soothing all day and night long. My kids sure gonna love their mom more too! lol

    Hanim Hashim
    emel : wanimira737@gmail.com

  11. Answer:
    1) Vanilla Bean
    2) In short "I Luv LUX", in long ...

    [I]n seeing Lux, it definitely brings back memories
    [L]ong ago, it was the first shower cream I
    [U]ndertook as I graduated from using soap bars
    [V]ariety sweet smelling bottles of it caught my heart
    [L]ux Peach & Cream was my favourite amongst all
    [U]sing it makes bath time a joy to behold, so Lux holds an
    [X]tra special place in my heart and I would love to try all its variants!~

    Alicia Yeoh

  12. Here are my answers

    1) Vanilla bean
    2) I should win because i'm never use Lux before this. After reading your blig entry, I feel like I want to be one. I want to be pamper, feeling in the spa while using Lux Magical Spells.

  13. Here are my answers

    1) Vanilla bean
    2) I should win because i'm never use Lux before this. After reading your blig entry, I feel like I want to be one. I want to be pamper, feeling in the spa while using Lux Magical Spells.

    Samiza Samsudin

  14. Hello Sizzling Suzai,

    I am MissJasJas and this is the first time I known your blog from Kakak Illy that she shared your blog link into her own facebook page :)

    Here are my answers
    1. Juniper Oil
    2. I want to share them with my sister because she loves purple so much <3

  15. Hello Sizzling Suzai,

    I am MissJasJas and this is my first time I came into your blog as Kakak Illy shared your blog link into her own facebook page <3

    Here are my answers
    1. Juniper Oil
    2. I want to share them with my beloved sister as she loves purple color so so much <3

    Name : Jasmin Teoh
    E-mail : missjasjas@live.com

  16. Suzai Sayang.. Ni jawapan plg best.. hehe

    1. golden amber
    2. Because I am a pregnant lady and want to look fresh and smell great.

    EMAIL : asikinwan@yahoo.com

  17. Hye Suzai! Yanie nak join jugak :)

    1) Vanilla Bean

    2) Yanie nak menang kerana Lux memberikan seribu satu makna kewangian dalam diri. Lux Magical mampu mengekalkan magikal dalam rumahtangga. Bila kekal wangi suami bertambah sayang!!

    Nama: Noor Hayani Bt Haji Yusuf
    Email: yanieyusuf05@yahoo.com

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hello si cantik manis !
    My answers would be:

    1. Vanilla Bean

    2. Because this perfectly wrapped Lux Magical Spell hamper would surely, undeniably and definitely be gorgeous to be one of my hantaran for the grand akad nikah this coming new year. Oh gosh mesti cantik gila ! Furthermore, I could use it to goda encik suami nanti with the new seductive scents with no need to wear any perfume ! Worryless ! It's great to boost up confidence level ! How exciting !
    I can't wait to try the "Magical" scent and to let him be under my "Spell". *grinned*


    Aimi Rashidah Abd Rahman


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