Europe Trip: La Tour Eiffel, Paris (Part 1)


Finally the Paris tale is here yeahhh!! big applause please as i took only 4 months to select and edit all the photos and not to mention that my major problem was sorting out the storyline huhu. eventually, i come out with this 1st part of displaying only the dreamy Eiffel Tower. oh i can't help myself to skip any photo of it as every inch and every details are so much admirable plus the day look and night look are compulsory need to be considered. haha

Goshhh i still remember that feeling of seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time. its so unbelievable and i was like "OMG thats the Eiffel!" screaming my lung out from the RER's window LOL. hahaha TERUJA GILER GILER!! seriously, it is still feels like an imaginary moment until today. Syukran Ya Allah :')


Photo do tells story but it fails to exactly ejact the emotion. admirable during a day and extremely dazzling on a night! we're walking all the way from De Lourve and the Eiffel stunned us from far away with its golden neon. hey, remember to be there by 8pm or 9pm to see the lights startle for ONLY 15 minutes. don't miss it!

Thank gadd, we determined to just slowly walk all the way from De Louvre as that was the moment when we're stumbled upon that fountain and the luxor Obelisk (located at the eastern-end of the Champs De-Elysee) eventually, we both passed out after like 30 minutes of walking and decided to ride on the trishaw towards the tower. 

Oh please don't say how lucky i am coz you don't know how much i prayed! truly, being in Paris and seeing the Eiffel Tower for REAL are still feels like a dream. Alhamdulillah, thanks Allah The Al Mighty for hearing my doa' and realizing it. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah :')

Photographed by SizzlingSuzai and FarahYusuf

Europe Trip: Le Tour Eiffel (Part 1)
Europe Trip: Blissful Day 1 (Part 2)
Europe Trip: Sunny Second Day (Part 3)
Europe Trip: Champs-Elysees and Night in Paris (Part 4)

Europe Trip : London Part 1 Tourist Attractions
Europe Trip : London Part 2 Shopping Spree


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