Look #153 - Cowgirl

Borrowed Hat / HM Scarf / GUESS Denim Jacket / Dress from Bali / Bershka Jeans / 
Boots from Bandung / Samsung Galaxy Gear / Charles&Keith Bag

When i received this invitation which stated cowboy/cowgirl as the theme, i was like 'OK cowboy boots!' Unfortunately, i don't have one but thank gadddd, i've purchased that GUESS jacket few weeks before. so, denim blend with some brown garments is just already too cowboy for me haha

Accidentally, that sleeveless maxi dress is matching the whole things very well. yup i tied that knot at the end as it is actually too long for the petite me haha nevertheless, i love seeing how stylish it appears. love it!

OK then, thanks guys for sneaking up onto this blog. don't know when will be my next update as today at 3.15am i will fly to Heathrow, London. insyAllah please pray for my safety yar. hehe keep on following and visiting. Muuahhh! :)

Photographed by my dear AdrianaThani and Edited by SizzlingSuzai


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  1. smart solution...wish i'm petite as well so i have the excuse to tie a knot like you do..huhu

  2. salam kenal..cantik n bergaya nya awk..hihi..boleh buat jadi rujukan fashion ni

  3. hai salam perkenalan cntik gaya u ..admire sngt :)


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