Luna Bazar at Rasta TTDI (Finally!)

thanks babe for realizing the visit..hahaha
Oh oh slim balik Eira Syazira jelesnyer! and her hubby, my fav comedian actor Azad Khan.
yup, she is beautiful Natasha Hudson. :)
Ahkak penat dik, mana satu yang cantik ni?! "=.=

Hey fashionista  :)

I'm back after quite a long hiatus in here. dem i was not in a mood of blogging, everything feels so annoying and i could just look at the lappy and sighing! huhu ok will try my best to sort everything back and blog about my messy life as usual. LOL

So, here is my first visit to the well-known Rasta TTDI haha. yup, finally i'm here for the Luna Bazar which happened on the last last last last last last weekend. lorh don't remember anymore. my main AIM & MISSION was getting few items with cheap price. 

Guess what? the mission is accomplished as i got 2 kimono cardigan and a glitter scarf...yeeahhh!! ok yup, i knew that kimono cardigan was like already out of season but hey, i think it is a timeless piece which it will never get you wrong! hehe padahal kauw yang cicir nak cover kan...LOL

Final word, be alert of the bazar schedule in here since a great bargain is waiting for you. oh besides, this place is a hot spot to stumble upon those local celebs. Woooooo can't wait to share my moment with a Ratu Drama Melayu yang sangat cantik and sangat saya gemari! =D wanna know who is her? wait lorh.

Thanks for visiting and reading yar.  :)


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