Look #104 - Working Attire

Happy weekend!  ;)

Oh, hopefully your weekend is joyous with the things that you love to do. btw, i do always want to share this, the look which you don't bother to care. haha..well, i would claim this as a half formal and the other half is not because the bottom was actually jeans in which we are 200% allowed to wear it. we don't have any requirement besides the safety shoes and safety helmet when attending the site meeting.

I'm intentionally do not opt for any heels because this shoe (Charles&Keith) is comfy enough for me to run around at any condition. wearing one of my fav top (Padini) as it helps to slimmer the wearer with its dark-blue in colour plus vertical lines on it. nothing much as the final touch up is lighting up the overall gloomy shade with that bright scarf (H&M).

Please be patient with my slow-mo update. huhu and thanks for reading tho.


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