#UrMalaysianIsShowing #GoBeyond
I have once watched a YouTube vid of a Mat Saleh criticized on our boastful Manglish which is for me it was giler inappropriate. this is our culture, our own independent language and btw, it is our tongue to pronounce 'NOTING' as 'nothing' and even to add the word lah at the end of every sentence, why you bother?? so, mind your language dude as We Are Malaysian and We Are So Proud with our Malaysianism!!
Wahhh can feel the patriotism heat?? hihi..yup, i am no joke when saying that SAYA SAYANG MALAYSIA because we are living peacefully and unitedly among variety of races and religious under this one roof, MALAYSIA. we are even happily sharing the rojak words that only us can understood; Gostan, Giler-lah, Macha, Leng Chai, Syok, Tapau, Kao Kao, of course-lah, Mamak, Rilek-lah, Thambi and many many more! well, it is my everyday language lorh~

Event: ASTRO Your Malaysian Is Showing + Go Beyond Positive Meter Launching
VIP: ASTRO Chief Operating Officer, Henry Tan
Date: 24th August 2013
Venue: Mid Valley Megamall, 3rd floor.
Featuring: Dato' Aznil Hj Nawawi, Lisa Surihani, Jason Phang (MY fm), Ezra (Mix fm), Ray (ERA fm), Anantha, Jie Ying, Weon, Geraldine Gan and other ASTRO Celebrities.
Thus, conjunction with the celebration of the MERDEKA DAY which will be happen on this coming 31st August 2013, ASTRO is launching the Malaysianism campaigns; #UrMalaysianIsShowing and #GoBeyond plus released a song entitled "Excuse Me Sir, Your Malaysian Is Showing". check the cool vid down here bros! P/s Zahid i love you...! ("^^)
Honestly, that evening was super happening as ASTRO's aim to spread the happiness and to encourage the positive energy are totally working out! the crowd was undeniably packed like a sardin and everybody is so happily mingling with each other without care about the race, skin's colour or whatever-lah. ;P

* i'm so sorry for the typo En. Haniff yang soo handsome and cute! =.= *
So, once done with the launching and performance of the theme song, we proceed with the BLOGGERS ACTIVITIES which we've been teamed up and given a long-listed tasks to complete in 45 minutes. all the tasks need to be done by tweet and insta the pic or vid LIVELY together with the hashtag; #UrMalaysianIsShowing #GoBeyond @MYnuffnang @Churp2

Some of the sempoi tasks given (#UrMalaysianIsShowing #GoBeyond)
- give your best patriotic pose
- hug some stranger
- take photo with anybody who own a twitter acc
- make a friend and do hi-5
- take photo with a child and make him/her smile
- take a group photo at the photobooth
- recite the Rukun Negara
- make a pose like the Tugu Negara
- etc etc etc etc it was like 27 tasks lah~ forget already lorh~
Although, that was our first meeting but seriously, could already detected the chemistry and the wavelength of each other. Jeff, Jimmy and Auji, it was really nice meeting you guys! so, the prove of our awesome TOGETHERNESS is........

hehehhehehhe..yup, a many many CONGRATULATION to the team no #13 as WE'VE WON NO.3 for this race. it was giler ohsem! and what made it more ohsem is LISA SURIHANI was giving the prizes. oh, LOVE her so much. thanks lovely teammates! :)

So then, our refreshment was provided by the BLU MED Restaurant & Bar, Mid Valley. a very cozy one, lavish exterior & interior and the foods were high class. thanks guys for full-filling my empty stomach. :)

As usual, meeting my blogger buddies was always amazing. dear SyafiqahHashim, kak asyik, anis, sabrina, wilda, marya hana, kifli nok tuh, kak ayu, kak lily and even the famous one kak red mummy! ^^

Nah, the goodies are not just so pinkish but freaking fabulous too. got the OFFICIAL TEE from the race, umbrella with casing, passport holder which i'm so arouse over it since i was just planning to buy one and now, already got for free! and last but not least the portable battery / i called it as a mini power bank! thank you so much ASTRO for all of these!
Hey, you can also own the Oh-So-Malaysian T-shirt by buy it from the FB page. only RM25 each and it is actually not a TEE, it is a CHARI-TEE! hurry up, go to the apps and make your own design; CLICK HERE. here is mine! ;)

Opps, here are the winning vouchers. Thanks AEON for sponsoring!
hey peeps, lets together contribute to the POWER ENERGY by go to the facebook apps CLICK HERE and set your own GO BEYOND GOAL to add another point to the power meter! as simple as shown below. that is mine, so go and make yours ok. :)
Malaysian, lets maintain our happiness and uniqueness of this MALAYSIANISM. Oh so proud to be Malaysian, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY or SELAMAT HARI MERDEKA, dear Malaysia. Malaysia Boleh! #UrMalaysianIsShowing #GoBeyond
Credit: ASTRO Go Beyond, MYNuffnang, AEON and Blu Med Restaurant & Bar.
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. thanks all!
Serious nice entry kak!! nanti ajar pika edit gambar lawa-lawa macam tu please!! dah lama nak buat tapi tak reti nak edit-edit ni..hehehee..teach me please!!
ReplyDeletetu bukan ray la, tu namanya Hanif era,hehehe..mesti dah konpius ni
ReplyDeletebtw, tahniah sebab menang
nice to meet u
tak sempat nak tegur-tegur kan
rmai sgt bloggers
Pehhh.. Entry yang sangat superb!
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