Frankly, i don't worry on the finish look of any photo anymore! be it dull, bored, shaking, imperfect angle, dark like too dark or bright like tooooo bright a.k.a over exposure. nah, all those memorable moments that you've captured should be keep memorable by just doing a simple editing on it. 

Sometimes, you got this tons of ugly photos and you feel like wanna [Shift+Del] all of it. wait, before you eventually regret it because it can be transform into a creative one. dearest, i'm talking about the LOMO inspiration look as in the sample above.

Well, it was actually the food that i've cook few weeks ago and when i captured it by using the BB's camera without undergo the instagram apps, so here is the BEFORE look. dull and bored!


So, dearest just save whatever you got in the memory card and be creative playing with the picture editing software. its FUN though! as usual, i'm using the Picasa editing sware for this pic besides the Adobe Photoshop and Lightrooms for the heavier photos.

Remember, don't bother about the imperfection because those elements will make the finish look more real and more interesting. Believe me! btw, here is another sample of tons of ugly photos that i've combined into a collage. this is obviously one of my fav and thankfully, i don't get rid of it. huh!


it is super cool huh?! BEST of LUCK. ^^
