As usual, lets start the day with the luxur breakfast at the hotel. does it looks healthy and cosy?! then, why did the day turned into a bad one? because soon after i've done with the breakfast, i've got a serious stomach pain which constantly hit me ON&OFF for the next few days! (yup, it was going on till the day i was coming back in Malaysia~)
capturing the finished-look before leaving the cozy room is very important as soon after the leaving we both were sweating like hell~ for more photos and details on the outfit, please CLICK HERE. yup, the stomach illness was in the OFF mode at this moment since i was still in the steady state...

BAJAJ, the traditional transportation in Indonesia that would easily bring you around the city. well if in Thailand, they got Tuk Tuk and Auto Rickshaw Taxi in India. Oh please, make sure that you've the range of price asked from the local beforehand. yup, they will take advantage on the foreigner! however, definitely the fare is cheaper than the taxi(air conditioned car) but the only inconvenience about it is the noisy sound coming from the engine.
seriously, the crowd was extremely packed like sardin! this was happened on the day of public holiday which the Muslims were celebrating Eidul Adha in which lot of the locals were going back to the village. guys, thats clearly explaining how big the Indonesia's population...hmmm
i was already super tired from queuing to get the tix that cost us about Rp10,000/person before again i saw the line to get the lift was that long! i was like, where are all this people coming from???! honestly, i was never experience seeing a long-trail like that in Malaysia. sadly, we need to cancel the plan or otherwise, we gonna just spending the whole day lining up without having the opportunity to visit other, the mission FAILED!
so, we continued the day with the next big thing which is shopping! the well-known place is MANGGA DUA but let met tell you this, the MANGGA DUA has 3 different malls. MANGGA DUA ITC, MANGGA DUA WTC and MANGGA DUA SQUARE.
we initiated with the MANGGA DUA ITC that is famous with the wholesale kinda hunting. as you can see in the photo above, my focal point was to get as much accesorries as i could! unfortunately, lot of shops were closed but i managed to get 1 bundle of bangles, 1 necklace, 1 ring, 1 tee and 1 kebaya for myself. sounds frustrating huh?! plus at this moment my stomach illness has actively switching the mood ON&OFF. so, i was seriously in an uncomfortable circumstance.....

then, we moved on to the neighbouring mall, the MANGGA DUA WTC. i was quite happy seeing the exterior since it looks better than the Mangga Dua ITC. so, me and my mom were back into the shopping mood before it was again turning OFF when we walked into the mall. almost all of the shops were CLOSED!! so, we're just made our way back to the exit door....
without any further delay, we just walked to the front mall which is the MANGGA DUA SQUARE. FYI, our hotel was located above the same building. at this moment, i was fully not in the mood anymore as i just wanted to go back to our room and deal with my illness! plus i should say that the stuff in here are not cheap, they are just like the normal price in Sungai Wang, KL. so, why bother kn..?? huhu.
but due to the fact that we haven't gotten our lunch yet and plus my mom still eager to do the hunting, i was just lazily followed her.....
it was just around 5.00 p.m and that was the climax moment when i really can't stand the sickness anymore. sorry to my mom as i didn't have the courage to play the tourist game anymore, all i wanted was the bed! so, that night we had our dinner in the room although lastly, i just had a few mouthful of the porridge and continue slept in a pain.
about 3.00 a.m in the morning, we called out the customer service asking about the nearest hospital. yup, the ON&OFF mode has became worst and my mom kept insisting me to be threatened at the local hospital. here, i should CREDIT the Novotel Hotel's staff since they were being so kind and helpful by driving us to the Rumah Sakit Husada in the middle of the chilly dawn. i was even getting injections from the docs plus were being given lot of medicines since the total bills was approximately Rp 250,000! haha..what a waste?!
anyhow, it was definitely a not-fun-but-i-don't-find-the-right-word-to-describe experience for me in Jakarta. the conclusion is i should say that i don't enjoy myself in that city at all since i've got this stomach pain and plus-minus we were kinda lost in that big city. hmm..we're missing out the chances to visit lot of places such as the Indonesia Plaza, Ancol Park and etc etc.
Bandung--> Jakarta DAY 1: "The Arriving"
Bandung --> Jakarta DAY 2: "Its Shopping Time"
Bandung --> Jakarta DAY 3: "A Shorty Night"
Bandung --> Jakarta DAY 4: "It was not a good day though"
Bandung --> Jakarta DAY 5: "My 1st Showcase in Bandung"
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