j.u.s.t Thai@One Utama

Oh, this dining was actually done looooong time ago when Ramadhan is still like 3 months to go. seriously, i've already forgotten this post which i've keep it in the draft box! thus, as we're now in the fasting month, i'm sure lot of you are looking for a nice place to break the fast.

so, if you happen to be in the One Utama and don't have the idea of where is that 'nice place', here i'd like to suggest you to try out a restaurant name "j.u.s.t Thai". its located at the ground floor of the shopping mall just besides the Fish 'n Co (if i'm not mistaken~).

nothing much in here but let me give my verdict of the whole experience. here are some of the menu of the day. :)

chicken tomyam - RM10.00
stir-fried minced chicken with hot basil leaves served with steamed rice & sunny side up - RM13.90
green papaya salad (sam tam) - RM10.00

obviously, its a Thai cuisine restaurant and please do not ask for any steak in the menu. huahua..so, whenever we're talking about the Thai cuisine, the only dish that popping out in my mind is the spicy and delicious TOMYAM! nevertheless, Thai cuisine is not strange to Malaysian anymore whereas you can find it anywhere at anytime~

yup, the main aim was to taste the delicate soup of the tomyam since my sister kept on promoting it~ ok, my verdict would be IT WAS VERY NICE in which you can taste the spiciness and the sourness of the soup. unfortunately, i should claim that I'VE TASTED A GREATER ONE compare to THIS ONE. huhu..

then, the steamed rice with the side chicken dish is just so-so to my liking. yup, i don't really into that stir-fried minced chicken because i don't quite sure the reason. hehe..it just unsatisfied me but hey, the steamed rice was very smooth and well-cooked! haha

thanks to the salad a.k.a kerabu betik as this was the only good 'thing' on the table and it could be the only reason that i have if i've ever step into this restaurant again. haha..sounds cruel huh?! >"<



haha..looks tempting enough? well, when we're so hungry, we don't really care about the taste. haha..therefore, i'd still recommend you guys to try it by yourself since I CANNOT JUDGE THEM based on just these three dishes. yup, its not fair at all since they still got plenty of choices!

however, as for me....hmmm...if i'm craving over the Thai food, i'll try my best to find another place besides this one since it was just so-so to me. huhu..P.E.A.C.E No War!


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  1. thats beautiful! absolutely beautiful pics.


  2. thats beautiful! absolutely beautiful pics.


  3. tq soo mcuh cherry for dropping by in here :)


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