My E-Day!

with two of my lovely ex-roomates, Aina Shazwani and Khairiyah Zawani..harr nama penuh hamek kau! haha..thanks for the long journey. Ukhuwah Fillah Abadan Abada..amin.. ^^

where is that 'lucky' guy? hehe..surely, he is waiting outside as in our custom and tradition, the 'groom' is not allowed to seat and joining the ceremony. well, the reason is because 'we' are not tighten to any official knot yet, it just an engagement which basically just to announce that this girl and that guy are planning to marry!

HAHAHA..yup, I'M JOKING!! it was actually my ex-roommate's wedding day which was happened on the last Saturday. she looks absolutely stunning with the perfect make-up and that beautiful wedding dress. ok plus the turban style which was not over-doing, its just perfect! =)

reminiscing the past, we knew each other on the first day of the matriculation day which was like 6 years ago! Woww..i don't realize that the time has flies toooo fast as now, she was already changed her status to "bini orang". hehe..CONGRATS dear LALA a.k.a Noor Halilah. wish you have a blessing and perfectly happy marriage life. ^^

thus, i'm officially announce that I'M STILL SINGLE a.k.a still waiting for my Mr. Right to come and together build the mosque forever..insyAllah..amin..hehe X)


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  1. omo omo...skit jantung hakuh... ingt betol u engaged yunk...

  2. Baru nak ucap tahniah! haha.
    Bile lak turn suzai ni?

  3. Nasib baik bukan Suzai's E-day...kalau yea...memang I akan kecik hati sebab tak ajak! hahahaha

  4. tergezut baca tajuk kat dashboard...ingat betul2...

  5. ingtkn kak suzai punyer engagement!wrna dah matching giler tu!!cntiklah bju teww dgn orgnye skali.ehehe

  6. hahahha...SORRY GUYS for making up this confusion! haha..ble lg nk berangan angan mat jenin kn..hahhaa nk tunggu tol2 lmbt lg rsenyerr..hehe

  7. u r so so soooo beautiful in those picts, Suzai~!!! seriously! :D

    thanks so much for the links, ive put ur link too in my blog..

    eniwei, yes yes we r in the same AWESOME age! lol

    smooch, Icha^^


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