HFW DAY 7: "Style Crush"

Aviator from Vincci
Black pashmina from Jalan TAR
Leopard printed top from Forever 21
Maxi skirt from BB Plaza, Sg.Wang
Platform heels from Vincci

Salam and Happy Sunny Sunday..

Sadly, this is the very last theme on the last day of HFW May 2012! oh, it was really a great week for me, updating the blog with all the looks. despite having fun with myself, i'm so glad receiving all the positive responds and loads of nice words from you guys. thank you so much for spending the time viewing and commenting in here, its very overwhelming! :)

Now, the "Style Crush" here required us to choose an HFW participant's style and copycat it with our own clothes or mirror a style that you might never have tried before. i chose BOTH! haha..the greedy me! X)

lets initiate with the crush introduction, she is the previous HFW participant and she is a very well-known fashion blogger from Malaysia and had been featured on the worldwide mags/webpages. she is the famous fashionista name as Salmi Shahirah Mohd Salim or better known as AMI SCHAHEERA! (along with the drum-rolls sounds here~) :)

All the photos were taken from her Official blog AMI SCHAHEERA and her Lookbook.!

so, here are some of her fashion forward styles that i've combined by myself before asking her permission LOL. hehe..hopefully, she will approve it soon. as you can see, she is extremely courage enough to play with the styles. she is never afraid to try something new, something BOLD, might be something weird to somebody and might be also something other people don't think to wear! that is why her sense of style is very admirable to me as i salute her bravery attitude and yup, her mix 'n match is never fails!

thus, mine up there is the innocence combination of an ANIMAL PRINTS with the BOLD ELECTRIC blue maxi skirt which i've never wore one of the items before. the leopard prints is quite bold but as i pair with a plain black pashmina, it naturalize it automatically. while, the maxi skirt is extremely gorgeous and flowy plus the cotton material of it is giving max comfy to me, make it one of my current fav right now! although, the look is screaming "playing too safe" but i'm absolutely comfortable to leave it like that as IT IS ME!

nevertheless, tons of credits should be given to the dearest AMI SCHAHEERA for inspired me and proving  to all that you just need to be brave and confident with yourself in executing any styles! "Always be inspired and be fashion forward!" hence, don't forget to check out her Official blog at AMI SCHAHEERA  :)

again this is the LAST DAY OF HFW MAY 2012. thanks to all the lovely viewers especially WAFA from HFW crew. ^^ flying kisses to you gal for never tired of organizing this great online fashion event! insyAllah, i'll always love to support it again-and-again!

for more information about the event and to be inspired by other fabulous jobs, you are most welcome to visit the HFW OFFICIAL PAGE. then, BYE-BYE and c ya on the next HFW! :)

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  1. Salaam! Very daring of you to choose Ami Schaheera as your style crush, but you look great! I love the skirt!

    I'm glad you enjoyed this season of HFW!!!

    ♥ Wafa of LoveHFW.com

  2. i came here not bcoz whan to see yr look,,, bt i like the colour of yr skirt...

    btw, i just remember you while doing my illus job, did you interested to be wartawan fesyen, if so, just send yr resume at ekejaya krangkraf and then try call HR and ask when the hijabista interview,, i go it twice, bt i think ALLAH want to give other better job, maybe... so if you got interested just apply it,, they did't care about wht course are u, but who are you.. =)

  3. Cool outfit :) Love it, specially the colours!

  4. Salam. Love this outfit, dear.. The green skirt, in particular.

  5. WAFA-->haha yup but im not as daring as her..it just a crush in which i admire hers soo much ^^

  6. zulaiha-->dear tq sooo much 4 sharing...hmmmm insyAllah i will but as for now im still waiting n WORKING for an eng-related job offers huhu..klu giler stahun pon xpat gak haha i AKN APPLY KJE ITU, i know its gonna b sooo much of fun but...hm.... >< still tq dearest..im fully appreciate it!

  7. Laila & Tak Pe Je -->dearest gals tq soooo much! :)

  8. thanks for chosing me as your style crush <3

  9. AMI-->tq sis for coming n visiting in here..n yup tq 4 inspired us ^^

  10. owh, u don't need to be pnggangur for a year.. did u hear about program SL1M
    here the website


    it take a year and there will help you find a job.. and get 1000 per month with free tmpat tinggal n maknan..
    i just know it, so mmg tlmbt la nk join...

    but the important thing is,, jejaka2 disana kacak.. i go with my bos for giving talk at there.. hehe =)


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