HFW DAY 5: "Special Occasions"

Satin scarf from Jalan TAR
Batwing Sleeve Kaftan gifted from my Jakarta friend!
Forever 21 Skinny Jeans
Aldo Clog Platform
Vincci Sequinned Pouch

Salam Jumu'ah..

TGIF, it was already fifth day of HFW May 2012! as we respect the holy day of a week, our theme for today is required us to show modesty in our clothing but still we need to decked out! haha..thanks HFW crew for adding my limited vocab as i just googled the definition of the word "decked out". haha..let me share in here, it give the meaning of wearing very nice clothes, latest fashion and everything is perfectly matching!

nowadays, kaftan had getting a worldwide attention. so, i just doesn't want to be exclude from it. as a matter of fact, kaftan is able to reflect elegance and fame to a wearer, no matter how she done it. whether it is a dress or an asymmetry kaftan as mine here which you need to pair it with a pant. i guess, i need to also credit the twinkling material as well as the simple embellishment on the chest besides the stylish design itself that makes it an outstanding piece!

yup, this kaftan is given by my friend from Jakarta. thanks Puthee as i LOVE it soooo much, the design, the colour and the material! hmmm...honestly, we've planning a great business together but we had some obstacle that make us need to re-think about it. so sad!  ='(

additional comment by the model herself, the shoes is not really work with the sophisticated kaftan but she is seriously lazy to get another heels at her car boot. so, she said "i'm sorry for being the lazy me!" haha XD

thus, do i still need to mention what type of occasion is suitable for this look?? lor..you just name it sisters as any event whether its formal or informal, you are surely allow to walk into the room and steal everybody's attention! therefore, my answer to the question "What is your fav occasion? and What special occasion have you recently enjoyed?" would be the same exact word, WEDDING!

fyi, i'm also planning to go all the way to the north of Malaysia tomorrow morning as to attend my ex-rommate's wedding! haha..neway, beauties you are INVITED TO VIEW other fabulous 5th day look at the HFW OFFICIAL PAGE by CLICK HERE.

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  1. tq maera...tu r xrasmi ke luar lg ni..1st time pkai kat umh je plak..ceh!! hahaha

  2. haha very "decked out" indeed! Love the kaftan color and detail!

    ♥ Wafa of LoveHFW.com

  3. suka tgk kaftan tuh..cantik sgt !! overall outfit mmg superb :)

  4. beautiful outfit masha'Allah. love the way you styled the kaftan! :)

  5. Mashallah .. your outfit is really pretty!! looks great!!!

  6. nice outfit you get there...like it...

  7. loooove your kaftan & hijab style! so pretty on you. :)

  8. beautiful to d max! love that red kaftan :)

  9. DEAREST GALS, tq soooooooooooo much for viewing, commenting and loving my look here..flying kisses to all of u! muahhh3x! hehe X)


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