Our Fun Reunion 2: Krazzy Karaoke Session!

still calm and sweet as sugar....HAHAHA XD

now, it was getting crazy...hahaha  XD

end with the full satisfactory on each of the faces..haha  ^^

the second part of NARTNIE SYAMILDA JUWITA! haha..if you wanna know the story behind this beautiful name, you are most welcome to READ IN HERE. ^^

look at the first photo till the very last one here, we were very peaceful at the beginning where everybody is sitting at their place but soon after the mood turned into a 'dangdut' genre, the circumstance had become havoc and everybody was turning into a hyper-active wolves! hahaha..those are looking absolutely FUN and CRAZEEY, right?

hehe..sorry for acting that way as supposedly we should behave courteous and graceful since we were in the traditional custom that day. hehe..but we've lost half part of our mind since we've reunited after almost 5 years!

yup, we have decided to leisurely go for karaoke since EACH AND EVERYONE OF US IS CRAZY ABOUT SINGING!! guys, i'm no joking. heh heh heh..you have to know that actually, we are the leading vocalist for our school's NASYID TEAM long time ago. haha..but now there is no more nasyid LOL

Alhamdulillah..we can still connecting with each other although the school time had past for almost 7 years! ok, i know that you are now started to calculate my age. Arghhhhhh..hate it! hahaha...Thank God as nowaday, there is a social network like the Facebook that make it what impossible to be POSSIBLE.

why am i saying that way? hehhehe..actually, i will attend ANOTHER FRIEND'S WEDDING on tomorrow. yup, bunch of wedding photos will be coming more and more to this blog. hahaha..so, this is actually my PRIMARY SCHOOL-MATES whom i met 12 years ago! wow..i'm getting old now! haha

OK then, I LOVE the NARTNIE SYAMILDA JUWITA for ever and c ya on the next post. ADIOS!


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  1. hey you're not going to markets at jaya one tomorrow?
    That kinda suprise me. You always go to event like that.

  2. LOR xtau pon!! i dont have any idea about it and im always eagerly waiting for them. tq dear 4 informing me in here..


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