
26 years ago, A girl was born on the exact same date. then, after 2 years there came a cuter girl born as her younger sister. hahaha..but today's entry is all about her older sister not her, the baby! LOL haha..

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ALONG BUCUK!! i'm so sorry for this definitely a late post here as i am too busy with my temporary job right now. yup, its magical, I HAVE NO TIME FOR MY BELOVED BLOG here. so sad!

spending time with my only sibling here is always FUN. the main reason should be because she is the person who always paid the bills! hahaha..plus she LOVE to eat which is the same bad habit as me. yup, we LOVE to try on various type of foods and restaurants and that is the explanation of those FOOD REVIEWS in my blog here. thanks a lot ALONG kerana menyumbangkan tenaga untuk blog ini. haha

well, actually there are lot of nice, sweet and sad moments together since we are ONLY 2 which means we are damn close! ok, she is married but that is not the excuse that could break our tied bond.

sorry guys, i'm not in the mood here but still wanna post this entry. admittedly, i feel so guilty as i've postponed MY DEAREST SISTER'S BIRTHDAY SPECIAL POST here for quite a long time. thus, i'd like to end here with the birthday wishes for her..

SEMOGA ALONG dipanjangkan umur, diberikan nikmat kesihatan especially with the baby in the tummy, dimurahkan rezeki selalu dan diberikan kebahgiaan sehingga ke akhir hayat. amin.. ^^

our not-so-happy moment at the BR. honestly, i can easily count on how many times i've tasted this special  flavored ice-cream because its not my favourite cafe! huhu..


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