my beloved manu-riang classmates and the best buddies ever. love ya'll sooooo much! xoxo
obviously, FYP stands for the Final Year Project. yup, it was all done and i'm no longer being tied to this hectic course which was started with the Final year Project 1 (2011). guys, i'd proudly like to announce that I AM OFFICIALLY GRADUATED!!! Alhamdulillah.. =)
hehe..back with the FYP stories here. yup, this is our final task which we were required to present our project in front of the real-industrial people. they scored and marked us and that will be include in grading our final grad for this FYP course. well, actually this is our 2nd time presenting the project as the final presentation was done long time ago! huhu..
now, let me share the look of the grand exhibition which gathered all the majoring in Kuliyyah of IIUM.
the look of the exhibition hall of CAC, IIUM.

the engineers-to-be..insyAllah.. =]
the scary face of mine. seriously, i was not fully-prepared and haha..cuak gilak!!! X)
my hardworking groupmates! haha..the happy face after the presentation
the boys..ohhh tawadhu' nyerr hehe calon-calon imam nih! =]
the girls..kak piqah ko wat pe tuh?! erk?! XD
the MANU-RIANG forever...xoxo
admittedly, we are all desperately trying to collect the memorable moments together as much as we could. yup, we knew that its not the end of the world but nobody can predict the future, right? seriously, we are damn happy to be a fresh graduate but in the same time, we are totally down with the fact that we need to leave each other and the beloved IIUM. huhu..guys, it is the ending of the long 5 years!
OK, i know that this gonna be an emotional entry when i said that i'd like to dedicate this song to all my lovely classmates here. ohh, btw we called ourselves as THE MANU-RIANG that was taken from the word MANU-rians combining with the fact that we're always HAPPY@riang-ria...haha XD
As we go on
We remember
All the times we had together
And as our live changes
Come whatever
We will still be
Friend Forever....amin..
[Graduation by Vitamin C]
take care, good luck for the future, c ya again on the convocation day and please know that I HEART and WILL MISS EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU! (T__T)
the end..
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