[REVIEW] Immortals 2011

yup, this is the next movie that i watched when my sister was excitedly offered me a second Twilight. haiyooo..it is of course worthy to watch it over and over again but due to the fact that everybody will download it soon, i decided to watch this 11.11.11 movie, IMMORTAL.

my pre-assumption about this movie when i watched the thriller looooooooong time ago is RIDICULOUS and BORING! haha..but as it was promoted by the kakak counter, i agreed to give it a try and Waallllaaaahhhh.....i can consider this is one of the 2011 GREATEST movie! i'm no joking with the brilliant editing, boastful sounds effect and lustily-freaking HOT HOT HOT hero named as Henry Cavill! =))

now, let me initiate this post by talking about the SUPER FICTION of the story plot. although at the beginning of the movie, it will definitely kill the mood of the i-hate-history-subject type of person, but with the seriously cruel killer scenes plus the great sounds effect will assuredly caught the attention. (yup, sounds effect is my main priority of choosing the non other than a love story movie!)

prominently, this story is based on the Greek Myths of Theseus, Minotaur and Titanomachy. huh..hamek ko! haha..obviously, this fact is taken from Wiki since i've already forgot all the character's name except the sexy man, Theseus (Henry Cavill) and the heroin, original oracle who played by the beautiful lady, Freida Pinto.

Opps, i don't think i need to summarize the synopsis here as you will get mess up by all the Greece names and the absolutely confusing myths! however, let me make it short by saying that the whole story is about Theseus had chose by the God to fight with the evil king Hyperion and in the same time the stunning Phaedra (Freida Pinto) is being chased by the King Hyperion. thus, if you are really interested on knowing the full synopsis READ HERE

lastly, i rank this film as 4.00 out of 5.00 since i LOVE the Greek look of it, the super awesome effects (especially the huge wave scene where everybody was shockingly silent and Woh-ing!!!) and hahaha..this is the main reason, the lascivious hunk, Henry Cavill (Theseus)! just after he came out on the scene, i was melting down on the seat till the end of the story. huhu...especially the part when he lead and motivated all his armies when they were scared by the King Hyperion's soldiers! his charismatic is to die for! (T__T)

in a simple word, this guy had officially registered as my next crush and he is clearly making my nose bleeding..DOUBLE bleeding!! hahaha..

ohh, the eyes...so, here i'm officially announcing that i am in LOVE with Henry Cavill, so please don't touch him! hahaha...thanks for reading dearest. ^^

*** images are credited to google.com ***

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  1. waduh ko dah tgk crita ini nampaknya...dan ak telah mengetag anda..sila tatapnya ya hehehe

  2. I love the movie too. mmg superb! n by the way, if you like watching the vampire diaries sires, you'll notice klaus (Joseph Morgan) play as lysander.
    hehhee... suka dia. Hes HOT too!

    *watak antagonist mmg sesuai utk dia*

  3. wanie-chan-->hahah x merancang pon sbnanyer n cam xheran..then bile nonton haiyoooooooooooooo..MACHO gilerrrr hero si theseus ni!! adoi nose bleeding xsuda ma..hah jatuh cinta..haha besides d hero cte ni mmg mantap pon..kn kn kn ^^

  4. kinah-->HAHHA...TAHU TAHU..mestilah knal si klaus evil tuh.cian die kna buli kn..hahha latu mati plak tuh..harr padan la coz sush sgt nk bunuh die dlm vamp diaries kn..har da mati da!! hahaha


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