featuring the TEASER post about this wedding, here the full part of it. a many-many CONGRATULATION to my cousin, K.Rita for her grand memorable wedding night to her beloved husband, Mr. Kamarul.
yup, there were lots of wedding ceremony going around me, my own sweet sister's, the cousins's and yup, there will be more coming soon. haha..i just hope that you guys are not getting bored of it. seriously, attending the wedding is one of my favourible activity because for me, wedding is always differ neither the colors nor the theme. besides the fact that it is routinely beautiful and romantic!

as for the introduction, lets talk about the whole theme of the wedding. it was traditionally done where i can see the 'Raja Sehari' concept in it and the obvious prove is when the theme colour is yellow! thanks a lot k.Rita as we all the relatives had received the kain kuning to make our own dress for the wedding. i'm the happiest person who received it since YELLOW is MY FAVOURITE COLOUR!! and guess what?! haha..kak you has stole my wedding dream theme! ("^,^) haha..
and yup, she is Dato' Mashitah who lead the 'rombongan pihak pengantin lelaki' and she is abruptly a beautiful lady and her dress is just so stunning! hehe..anyhow, the event was as grand as i've imagined it. it was really blast to be part of it although i'm not joining the akad nikah solemnization on the same day that evening but still we are all happy for you, kak. wish you guys had a great marriage and insyAllah, semoga dipanjangkan jodoh sehingga ke akhir hayatnya...amin.. ^^
hehehe...then, will be the story of the handsome man wearing the black suit performing at the wedding there. huhu..he is ADAM AF2 and i'd say i'm so excited to see him face-to-face. biler plak la ko tak excited jumpa retis kan?! hahaha..but seriously, there is a LONG STORY about SizzlingSuzai and Mr. Adam! haha..wait for the next special post OK~ =))

more photo of me and my family here. love the yellow ambiance and plus i love my yellow dress there so much. sorry i don't have the full look of it. anyhow, the wedding is done and i wish both my sister and kak Rita will always happy with your guys's spouse. remember that marriage is once in a lifetime! haha..it is actually a remainder to myself lor~ =)
OK then, bye-bye and GOOD NIGHT. i need a sleep because tomorrow i'll travel to some place and attend another wedding solemnization. haha...i don't know if this is the sign for me that saying my time will be coming soon or what?! hahaha..but i guess its not because hemmmm....let me just keep it to myself lor~
Argghhhhhhhhh..im so sleepy and tired right now. THANKS for reading and ZZZzzzzZzz...
more photo of me and my family here. love the yellow ambiance and plus i love my yellow dress there so much. sorry i don't have the full look of it. anyhow, the wedding is done and i wish both my sister and kak Rita will always happy with your guys's spouse. remember that marriage is once in a lifetime! haha..it is actually a remainder to myself lor~ =)
OK then, bye-bye and GOOD NIGHT. i need a sleep because tomorrow i'll travel to some place and attend another wedding solemnization. haha...i don't know if this is the sign for me that saying my time will be coming soon or what?! hahaha..but i guess its not because hemmmm....let me just keep it to myself lor~
Argghhhhhhhhh..im so sleepy and tired right now. THANKS for reading and ZZZzzzzZzz...
*** photo are credited to SizzlingSuzai & Abg.Tojo from creative image ***
awak sangat comel!
hahaha...TERIMA KASIH DILL..camtu awk hamek juger..awk sgt cantik! =))
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