[REVIEW] Hantu Bonceng

Director : Ahmad Idham
Starring : Zizan (Raja Lawak), Jue Aziz and Juliana Evans

call me a moviegoer coz i just watched it yesterday! hehe...honestly, i'm so excited about this film because the HERO is non other than Mr. Zizan Raja Lawak and that is the ONLY REASON of me and my sis queued for half and hour to only getting the tix! seriously, we went there for the 8pm tix but it was already SOLD OUT, so the only leftover is the 10pm show.....gilerrr gempak!

i bet lot of your buddies already posted in the FB's wall telling that this comedy type of movie is REAL-funny, right? yup, it is! personally, there are like 4 parts that making me laugh so hard especially when Azman (Zizan) is haunting by the ghost of Maya (Juliana). Love the acting which is just natural@sempoi and dorky as well since we've already know that Zizan is a comedian who has his own personality. i didn't see any Shaheizy Sam in him. both of them are totally a different actor who can makes us laugh and having a great time watching them! nak tambah lagi kedua-dua pon sangatlah cuuuuteeeeeeee~ hehe ("^.^)

Oh, another important thing is i love the chemistry between Zizan and Jue. they are so cute together. you will feel the same as i am ONLY IF YOU WATCH this film coz 'BABY and BUCUK' adalah tersangatlah comel!! =)) heeemmmm....i just heard that they are having a real lovey-dovey feeling now?? haiyoooo...Zizan ku...NO!!!

OK then, i guess i don't have to give any synopsis here as this is just a simple story line but still ended with a good moral value. all you need to do is just go to the nearest cinema, relax yourself and having fun laughing at the scenes. in the other word, i rated this as 4 out 5 and i'm highly recommended you guys to support this local picture especially if you are loving the 'Hantu Kak Limah balik Rumah', 'Ngangkung' and etc. then...................HANTU BONCENG memang BEST!

BUCUK and his BABY. haha..seriously they are sooo CUTE! ^^ DUSH!!! how many times that i've repeat the 'cute' word in here...haiyoooooooooooooooooooooo...

Thanks For Reading...xoxo

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