Along and Adik Best Day!


# enjoying the buy-1-free-1 the creamy frappucino!

Oh, don't ask me on how many siblings that i have because the answer is too short, me and my sis (Along)! and please don't ask me about how close we are as the answer would be like we only have each other since we born and we are willing to share everything including the bantal busuk, momot and BeBean! (>.<)


# non-stop eating and lepaking at the mapley!

yeahh, we share everything but we don't share the SAME VIEW and TASTE. haha..this is the only difference that i've successfully detected between us. lets start with the taste. huhu..she likes chocolate, but i DON'T. i OBSESSED about fashion, music, entertainment and this blogging stuff but SHE IS NOT INTERESTED IN ANY OF THAT AT ALL!! seriously not even 0.1%.....hahha totally different!


# go jogging at the evening. yup, we both are CUTE but don't underestimate our stamina..okeyh! =D what does she love? is sooo simple, she is crazy about numbers@account (she is an auditor at the big firm KPMG! nk gak sebut coz die sibuk promote kn), Purple, butterfly, CONAN (comic), lagu-lagu rock kapak (old love songs) and her iPhone!  =D

anyhow, 'air dicincang takkan putus' right?! whatever it is, she is my only ALONG that i have plus she is the only place for me to go if i ever had a problem with my parents..hahahha and she is the only one who i can easily 'pow' for treating me makan-makan! (^_________^) terima kasih ya selalu belanja gua, sok belanja lagi ok!

thus, i should take a GREAT REST as tomorrow we gonna make our weekend as FUN as we could since our parents will be off to Gambang till Sunday. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS that is how we do it!!! HAHAHA...i'm so happy here..hahaha naik hantu dah! =D

hemm...actually we planned to go for a short getaway to PD or Malacca but it will be so boring because we'll wasting the short-time and the fuel-money LOL~ so, we change it and decided to just stay in K.L and go LALALALLALAA~

THANKS for reading yarr...  ^^

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  1. frappucino? sedapnyaaaaaa!!!

  2. eherm teringin pulak nak ada kakak :(

  3. wahida-->hehehhe..mmg SEDAP lg SEDAP coz buy 1 free 1..haha

  4. farihaha-->alaaa sy plak NAK ABANG!!!! akk kn byk abg bg satu lah kat sy! hahah =D


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