yup, i am one of the zillion fans of this vampire sensation series, TWILIGHT SAGA. of course i've been following it from the very-first TWILIGHT, then the NEW MOON, then the ECLIPSE and now the ending of it! huhu..although everybody already knows what will happen on this last chapter and how this unacceptable relationship between the human, Bella and the 'killer' vampire, Edward will meet the knot, still people are sooooo excited to watch the ongoing romance between them!
first and foremost, just PLAY this official trailer PART 1 then we'll talk bout it~ yup, it is the PART 1 hahahaa..gonna be another part in which i've no idea what will they prepare for us.. ><
yeahhhh..it is 5 MONTHS TO GO..just wait and be prepare on the premier day because you must not be the last person on earth who reviewing this most awaited film. now, mark the date of 18 NOVEMBER 2011!
ok, talking about the trailer. the opening remarks of the wedding invitation is great especially when Bella walk down the aisle. WOOWww..im sure the wedding gonna be as beautiful as her. Bella Swan is just so lovely with that simple hair-do and do i need to mention how HANDSOME Edward Cullen looks?! ("^^)
the thing here is, JACOB DON'T BE SAD coz I AM ALL YOURS!!! =) haha..poor Jake who still hoping that Bella will change her mind. another thing that excite people is the love-making between Bella and Edward! hoho..i know i shouldn't talk about it but what am i suppose to do when every fans just commenting on the same issue =P but no worry this film is still under 18SX range..HAHAHA hadoii yaii~
so, lets together wait for the date and i'm very sure that this TWILIGHT SAGA gonna be more more romantic than the previous one! love it~ ^^

huhu...you guys are just made for each other!
edward!!!! jom tgk ngn mummy
ReplyDeleteawat abg edward dah not as pale as b4 dah ek?
ReplyDeletehahaha..ala mummy xd hal! mummy BAYAR! haha
ReplyDeletefarihah-->haha xjugak lah cbe tgk time wedding tuh bpk putih die..latu hoho time tdo ngan si bella..die plak y melepak dr bella tuh~ =) so conclusion he is still d hot vampire!
ReplyDeleteteam Edward! :P
haha..every gurl is dying to be edward's =D
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