Elie Tahari 2011 Resort Collection is Woww!

haha..usually i'm only rambling about the streetstyle since it is in my range lah kan~ ("^^) but it doesn't mean that i don't bother about the high-class fashion at all. it just hemmm...for sure everybody like to see those luxurious runway collections but honestly its not everybody can pay it! huhu...

however, this high-class fashion designer, Elie Tahari successfully caught my attention by his new collection called as Resort Collection. they are all absolutely gorgeous pieces with the stunning combination of white and mustard (i think so~). one word can be describe, STUNNING!

as you can see, the collections are really suitable for a muslimah wearing as it was inspired by the hot dessert hue, Marrakesh's easy wear kaftans and the latest head trend, the turban. it is flowing, modest and yet extremely stylish. look, even the accessories are stunning, the bags, the shoes, omg it is just so perfect! ><

i was falling deeply in love with all the looks once i scrolled down the original post by Mr. Zamri via zabigfatblog. to view it  CLICK HERE. thanks for sharing yarr~ ^^

or else you can envy all the looks of this collection at the ELLE web at CLICK HERE

now, i should say that ELIE TAHARI is one of my FAV designer and i'm dying to wear all of these beautiful pieces in my dream...............ZZzzzzzZzz....

end with the spirit of stalking his other collections! ^^

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  1. o wow i love this collection! very chic! <3


  2. tq mizz ^^ hehe thanks 4 dropping by sis~

  3. suka dress yang last sekali tu. cantik!

  4. yup, flowing giler kn~ huhu..mmg nk sgt merasa pkai haha tp xmampu lah plak "^^


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