oh..HEART this gif so dem much! brilliant job~ (^.^)
hemmm...looks like i'm excitedly updating my baby's update today. HOHO..guys you should know that i'm not just a SUPER JUNIOR's stalker (tetibe je kan~) but prominently I AM BRUNO MARS'S STALKER too. joining his official page, following his official TWITTER and signing lots of other bruno's official pages!!
so here is the latest things about him. this is a SHORT DOCUMENTARY about Mr. Bruno Mars coming back to his home sweet home Honolulu, Hawai. well, it is one of the doo-wops and hooligans tour but this is more special than other places as he said he wanna comes back LIKE THIS!!
yeahh....you got it baby, the tracks are sold out, the album is platinum and the tour is BOKED!! ^^
This is THE VERY 1ST PART and there gonna be 2nd part will be release on this coming 9 June and the 3rd part is on 17 June. HUH can't wait for it, for sho! now guys, just PLAY the vid and enjoy mr. Mars talking about how much he missing his home and as usual i LOVE the funny parts of him. Bruno i LOVE you just the way you are!
last word...BABY I LOVE YOU like forever!!!
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