WARNING : DON'T EVER THINK THAT i'm working as a receptionist at a gallery, OK! ("^___^) HAHAHA..as i mentioned before that i'm now a trainee at the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) under the Engineering Research & Development Department.
caution these pics are not REALLY related with my project! ("^.^)

OK, this was what happened on the very 1st week of our training course since all the supervisors were busy finishing their previous projects. so, what have we done are visiting the MPOB library for the FREE internet, happily photoshoot in the gallery, touring each of the departments, launch sharp at 12pm and going back at 4.45pm! =D
HAHA..honestly we've been asked to do research and read some journals that related with our projects but what should i do as i felt so sleepy once i started reading it! so, thats the reason of our FUN activity here on that boring week. ("^.^)

however, my project here is more on chemical rather than manufacturing engineering field. seriously, i'm bit disappointed by that since i've already falling in love with all the machining stuff after successfully done with my F.Y.P! huhuhuhuu.......................SUZAI JUST GO WITH THAT LOL~
will be continue
rindu aku nk pki baju kurung weh...huhu...tiap2 hari pki mcm org keje kilang..tdg p0n kaler hitam or blue black jer....
ReplyDeletehoho..jadi anda mungkin perlu JELES NGAN SY!! XD haha..tp beb JIWA GUA KAT KILANG R!!! (T___T)
ReplyDeleteaww these are cuteee :) and the job seems pretty fun! haha
ReplyDeletehehehhe..honestly d job is not my things BUT THE ENVIRONMENT here IS VERY VERY FUN! ^^
ReplyDeletebr terasa nk jd real engineer kn? hikhik. (:
ReplyDeletehahaa...xde pon mummy xmerasa pon! =(
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