random pics from the awesome OBB PRELOVED Party by Jezmine Blossom ^^
okeyh...i promise to all the not-a-fashion-lover reader, this gonna be the last batch of the OBB PRELOVED Party's beauties. huhu..yup im not going there as a shopper but as a photographer who interested to capture all the Malaysian hijabi fashionista there (^_____^) anyhow, yup i got a CUTE blouse for myself, so just wait for the time it is being upload here...~
now, lets continue the journey of Malaysian HIJABI streetstyle!

now, i hope i have giving you enough encouragement to style yourself or maybe getting some new idea as this is already the 3rd batch LOL~ ("^____^) what you have to do is you gurls have to know your own self and be confident on whatever you are wearing. then, YOU WILL LOOK AS GOOD AS ALL THESE FASHIONISTA!
again, THANKS A LOT to all the ladies for giving me the permission to capture your nice look and uploading here in beloved blog! kamsahamnida~ so, if you are reading this, do please say "HI" in the comment form erk~ hehehhe...
lastly, i should clearly state that " I LOVE FASHION SO MUCH but i LOVE MY BABY Peter Gene Hernandez MORE THAN THIS!!!!! " hahhahahahaha ("^______^) ~gilorrr.....~
Photo are fully credited to SizzlingSuzai
DSLR is highly gratitude to LiyanaAdam
*** im not gonna be around in the coming 2 weeks coz MY FINAL EXAM IS STARTING TOMORROW, SO.......Caaauuuwww!!!
dingdongggg..wahhh sudah hupdate part 3 hhehhehe
ReplyDeletewah... sonoknye... mau pegi jugak... heee :)
ReplyDeleteoh I went to OBB also on that day but not meeting you.sob sob T__T. InsyaAllah next time hope to meet you ya ;))
ReplyDeleteding dong...MUKE ANDA TLH MUNCUL!! HAHA..good luck exam beb "^^
ReplyDeletefathiyah...nex time JOM!! hehe le jmp awk skali ^^
ReplyDeletenanie, sy skajap je dlm kol2 dh blah dh..insyAllah nex time nmpk muke sy TEGO lah t sy mek gamba awk juge..hehe
ReplyDeleteseronoknya berfesyen.... hehehe, seriously, mana nak cari baju2 mcm tu yea? susah tol nk jumpa....
ReplyDeleteazham..hehhehe u nk cr utk u ker?? XD haha gurau jer..ni mesti utk diba tersyg ni..hehe
ReplyDeleteslalunye kat blogshop la coz cam indie sket style y dorg jual..or g r bazar y sy promote ni mmg cun2 bju die..kompem DUIT HABESnyerr.. "^^
nice pics n thanks amik gmbr me n my fren gak.i loike!!!
ReplyDeletesuzai,,alief terpikat dgn pompuan yg pakai baju coklat tudung coklat yg bergambar sebelah pemadam api tu...kirim salam sama dia..hehehe..awww.mode gatai..:P
ReplyDeletealia...sesame ^^ tp yg mane satu nih~ melar prkenalkn diri...hehe
ReplyDeletealia...sesame ^^ tp yg mane satu nih~ melar prkenalkn diri...hehe
ReplyDeletealief-->hamboi curang ni!! hahah..eh die model gak ghupenyer mmg CANTIK lah orgnyer..cun giler sy pon suke gak tgk so,klu lelaki lg lah kn~ ("^_____^)
ReplyDeletehye,thanks letak gambar saya. hehe saya ni orang yang pakai tudung kuning dan baju vintage floral..gambar kedua dari atas. hehe
ReplyDeletewanie y xgemok lnsung pon..hehe 1stly thanks 4 vsting my blog here ^^ then, ur most welcome n btw, muke awk cam rum8 sy lar...hehe
ReplyDeleteHye there..thanx a lot for the picture..it was really nice of you and so lovely..btw, i'm the one with the pink Pastelina skirt, heh! do check out me n my friend, Lina, who was also went to the OBB party the other day :) http://iylia-chica.blogspot.com...thanx again dear!! and nice knowing you, too..
ReplyDeleteOh and one more thing, do you mind if i saved this picture so that i could post it on my blog? thanx! really appreciate it..
ReplyDelete:') awww thank u suzai :) much loveeeeee! followed u btw <3
ReplyDeletetasha. the one with the senteng pants :D
lylia-->nothing cn i say here..better 2 read d LONG ESSEY in ur comment box!! LOVE U SO MUCH dear..thanks a lot n alot n alot! ^^
ReplyDeletenatasha..haha senteng is d trend rite now! XD thanks 4 dropping by here dear...
ReplyDeletesaya nak ambil picture saya letak kat blog saya tau. hehe thanks http://waniesigemok.blogspot.com
ReplyDeletehehe neway dah ramai dah cakap muka saya ni macam kawan sape2. haish banyak sangat kembar dalam Malaysia ni. haha
yup u most welcome but do please credit me for d pic yarr ^^
ReplyDeleteeveryone here are super gorgeous dear:)
ReplyDeleteyup izas all beauties r beauty! ^^
ReplyDeletethanks 4 vsiting me here...!!
suzai, i amek gambar ltak my blog and lookbook can ah? pls? will credit u :) thanksss sgt!
ReplyDeleteyes u cn as long as u credit it back to me..no prob dear =)
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