im with the pretty lady from the revel-in-me. she's so kind and friendly and yup, i LOVE her things a lot but so sorry darling, i've put my budget at under RM50!!! huhu...can say i wanna look nice but yet being so stingy...hehehe ("^____^) WHAT CAN YOU DO when you've already exceed the shopping budget for the month LOL! btw, it was so nice to know you and urs sister ^^
now, let me continue the long rail of the hijabi fashionista that i've met ah previous Old Blossom Box PRELOVED Party by Jezmine Blossom which are AWESOME! starting with the famous scarflets ladies here... (^.^)

don't ask coz im gonna answer it immediately, YUP I'VE STILL HAS ANOTHER BATCH to come! so, wait for it and ready to be inspired by all these stylish ladies.
photo are fully credited to SizzlingSuzai
the DSLR is highly gratitude to LiyanaAdam
to be continue...
semuanya cantik2..
ReplyDeletethanks kak 4 reading my post here.. ^^
ReplyDeleteyou, the um student is here...wakaka..remember us?? well, nice shot u got there..thumbs up..and if theres more such event to come, inform me as well ya..
ReplyDeletehi....thanks!!eh ingtlah korg...tunggu gak kmunculan korg di sini..hehehe tq 4 coming in here ^^ yup bout another event,same goes to u k..
ReplyDeletekat mane ney?
ReplyDeletebile event2 camni ade? cam interested je..so trendy! i like.:)
aina ^^ thanks 4 vsting here...oh this is OBB PRELOVED SALE kat kdai si jezmine tuh..huuu u SHOULD CHECK THE 1ST BATCH of this post..i think i've mentioned there "^^ try 2 check is it?
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