dedicated this pose on the rope at the height of 12meters to alief si muncung manis! hehehe ("^.^)
hey there, lets continue the exciting journey of us at the SKYTREX Adventure, Bukit Cerakah. this is the second part which you can read all the info of this extreme game on the 1st part by CLICKING HERE erk ("^^)

as this SKYTREX Adventure was constructed by paying great respect to the environment and trying to make you as close as to the nature of the environment, the scenery around here is breath-taking and the original Malaysian Tropical Rain Forest is kept safely.

this is when you have to balance yourself while swinging on those pipes. yet it scary but so much of FUN!! ^^

now, this one will make you think that..."Oh, i guess im qualify enough to work with the Royal London Circus comp LOL~ " haha..as usual it is not as scary as it look, yup it is full of enjoyment! during this 2 hours here, the height is not the thing that matter you anymore...huhuhu...

Now, for those who scared of HIGH, im HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you guys to go and experience this thing since you have to be on the 'sky' with the assumption of height as 10 floors for about 3 hours!! No, im not jocking, guys if you want to counter your fear, you have to bravely deal with it...right? ("^____^)

by the end of the journey, the obstacles are became easier and less challenging. it seems like they want us to finish our journey faster, so that we can go and have breakfast at 3.30 pm! ("~____~)

me and my gurls who look like a construction workers already mehh~...hahahahhaha
lastly, guys THANKS FOR READING both parts..hahaha sorry for separating it. as usual, it is due to the heavy loading prob if im not separating those. (>.<)
hemmm.....so i guess i should clearly and loudly say that, GUYS, THIS IS WORTH OF TRYING. SO, GO AND CHALLENGE YOURSELF BCOZ IT IS EXTREMELY FUN!!! ^^ seriusly...~
adik suzai nape kamu nmpk kurusssss! wahhhh jelesnya!
ReplyDeletesiyesss nih..
erm btw..i x kan naik benda2 tu smua huhu takuttttt...gayat okeh =)
hehehhe tq akk pinky "^^ i mmg dlm process diet ni tau! hahahah tp terlanggar juger kdg2..gaga
ReplyDeletehuhu rugi tau xtry..mmg best gler! ala die ade level y rendah sket akk try la y tuh..! >.<
suzai mmg extreme....lepas ni daki gunung pulak..huhu
ReplyDeletecik jujai..guwe jd model dr blakang ke..haha..mmg best..tp pegi skali xmoe g lagi dh..haha
ReplyDeletealief...i mmg ske la pnjt gng..hehe p tgk kat my category of HIKING no~ "^^
ReplyDeletehaha cian cik salmi jd model i..tq erk~ haha best pe sal xnk g lg plak >__<
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