NAHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...in the end which is really like an end of my life.... (T___T) the details of the date of the BRUNO MARS 1ST TOUR IN MALAYSIA was out!!!!
okeyhh...i know i shouldn't waste your time anymore...
THE TICKET WILL BE SELL officially at the concert organizing webs www.ticketpro.com.my on this coming 10th MARCH 2011 which is TOMORROW wehhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (wait till the day because there is nothing on the page if you go to the webs by now k...~)
as the information that i have here, the TICKET WILL BE ALSO SELL at the respective Rock Corner in
seriously, this is like the END......huhu you will be so shock here...BECAUSE IM NOT GOING!!!!!!!!!!!! AArgghhhh!!! AARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @@$&*%^%@*@$$%$^%@ the world is so so UNFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why it has to be on 10th APRIL 2011.....WHY? WHY? WHY? why don't you guys postpone it a bit....please a bit....ARGHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I AM REALLY CRYING NOW...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (T___T)
don't ask about the reason....................................~ coz i know it is the BEST for my future (T.T) (..........exam LOL.....sheeeettttt)

haarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhargghhhhhhhhhhhh hhharghhh...baby im always WAITING FOR YOU.......~ please come back again in the future and im surely will spend whatever RINGGIT it takes as long as i get to see you for REAL and HUG you and whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dear, Peter Gene Hernandez...you've already know that.....I LOVE YOU SOOO000ooooOO0 DAMN MUCH!!! (T____T)
jai g kee??
ReplyDeletebruno maaaaaaarrrrrrrrrssssssss!!!!
mummy--> klu pegi TAKKAN SY MENANGES MEROYAN CAM NIH...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 huuuuuuuuuuuu xbole sy de paper final....arghhhhhhhhhh DUNIA SGT KEJAM!!! (t___t)
ReplyDeletekak ungu...suke seket2 je ok!! jgn lebeh2..heh!! =P
ReplyDeletetak ape,,lepas ni alief bincang dgn pihak atasan suruh postpone concert ni k..huhu
ReplyDeleteahaha.sabaq ja la.mana tau nnti dia mai lain xbalik2 dah sana.ahahha:)
ReplyDeleteeh kat stellar nanti i pun ada buka booth.mari la singgah:D
alief-->plz do so...and klu berjaya la kn..awk ckp je pe awk nk sy tunaikan...............!! huuarrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! (T___T)
ReplyDeleteshatirah-->huhuu..I HOPE SO...dats d only thing that makes me hold my decision confidently...thinking this is his 1st tour so, it may come back again...........huhu SPECIALLY FOR ME! (T___T)
ReplyDeleteohh..so u gonna b there..insyAllah...~ "^^
hai....i teringin sgt nak pegi....thought of asking u ...u rase mane i leh dpt tiket lagi eh ? dgr mcm die sold out...tapi mmg i REALLY want to goooooo......kalau tiket 200+ pun blh beli....how eh ???
ReplyDeletemyralove05@yahoo.com...my email yg etul2 nk tiket
ReplyDeletehey there..
ReplyDeleteor try 2 ask here d fb bruno members club
or just call this no. PIC of PWTC's event ms. adriene nah this is the number... 03-77817304
ReplyDeletehi... just to check with you, the number u give (ms. adriene) surely will hv some tix or just to try luck? very interested to get 2 tix... dun mind which level... and i've oredi sent mail to myralove in previous comment... ahh really need it for my gf!
ReplyDeletehi there...
ReplyDeletejust to ask the number u give for ms adriene, may i know if she really got tix? need 2 tix for my gf... dun mind which level... ii've already contacted myralove in previous comment n waiting for her reply... i can be contacted via z.eight@yahoo.com tq tq tq i need the tix! ;)
hi z8 thanks 4 dropping by...she is d PIC EVENT OF THE PWTC where d concert will b held...so whatever it is she might got d info bout that..hopefully..
ReplyDeleteor maybe u cn visit d organizer web which is ticketpro.com.my try 2 find d info there k...huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
IM SO STREES BOUT D CONCERT RITE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!COZ as u know im not able 2 go...its like a HELL for me!!!!! ><
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