heart this handmade broga hill typo...~
hi there, Oopppss...HUH! I SHOULD NOT BE IN THE HAPPY MODE right now as i've got so many things to be settle before tomorrow plus this is the clumsy day for me! hemmm...but still got a time to update my hectic life here. heh heh heh

love this photo so much...saya kurus!!!! ("^_____^)
yup, again the story is about the famous BROGA HILL in Semenyih, Selangor. my 1st experience was written on the previous entry CLICK HERE. and again, proudly i have to say that this is my second time climbing on this hill (ek ele baru second je pon~) hahahaha...well, at least i can clearly shout that i have reach the peak compared with those who still blur bout it kan! XP
for those who didn't have the idea bout why the BROGA HILL is so damn famous especially among the photographer, it is because the view there is breath-taking and the path is just an average level of climbing where all people can reach to the peak despite the ages. yup, INCLUDING YOU! ("^^) these are some prove through my naive Xperia X10!

anyhow, the reason why i was there are :
1st ---> IT IS TIME FOR ME TO LOOSE SOME WEIGHT by climbing and sweating on the sunday morning.
2nd --> my OLDER sister and her fiancee who are the one excited to go there, so they ask me to guide them. (TIPU GILERRRR...haha)
3rd---> HIKING@climbing IS MY OTHER INTEREST!! <3
4th---> i love photography so much. so, here is the most suitable place to go. (hey, even our Malaysian ANGKASAWAN did the pre-wedding photoshoot up here k!) ("^.^)
5th--->i just can't denied the fact that i LOVE BROGA HILL LOL~ hahhahaha..
actually, we were a bit late when we reach there. however, we still got to see 'some' sunrise as we started our journey at 7:15 a.m, and as this is my 2nd time, im too determined to take my own record to reach the peak. so, it took me about 40 minutes to reach the peak and 25 minutes down the hill. hemmm....still got to do lots and lots of exercises beforehand.
now, lets move on to see me and my OLDER SISTER ("^__^) photoshoot at the peak of the Broga Hill!

lalalallallalala...guys, you're already know that how much i LOVE the camera...right?? heh heh heh.. thus, as usual this was so much of FUN..thanks along@POWER RANGERS gogo (^______^) and abg. nang who giving the idea of going there!
so, again im recommending you to go and be the witness of the NATURAL BEAUTY there. lastly, lets live in a healthy life...majulah sukan untuk negara! (^______^)
arr i teringin sgt nak pergi broga
ReplyDeletebtw babe, nnt ada chic pop street market, u pergi tak? (:
fika...LOL thanks a lot slalu ingat kat sy BILER ADE SALE SALE nih!! hahahah XD chic pop tu sgt xsure coz i tgh exam week time tuh...
ReplyDeletebut this coming OBB PRELOVED SALE is maybe...~ hope to see u gurl...pegi x??? sume waktu sgt xkena...geram! "~~
teringin nak nek...
ReplyDeletetakpenah ada peluang nak pegi lagi~ hahaha
kalau member pegi mesti aku ade program lain~ sigh~
insyaAllah saya pun nak pergi lagi skali.
ReplyDeleteyuhuu..broga mmg best! :)
ReplyDeletekeizen..LOL~ nk neik ajak lah sy k ^^ haha ni dkat je ngan umah sy!
ReplyDeletezeeqa..heheh sbb xd r payah sgt prjalanan die so, le la g neik every week erk..exercise! ^^
ReplyDeleteakk OGOSH..gi lah neik ngan hubby..erk~ dh kawen ke "^^ hehehe
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