Yup, my name is Suzai but unfortunately this is not my engagement ceremony. hehehe..it is my sister and her partner's solemnization. we both shared the same initial name which is SUZAI DATHUL EZAIDAH for myself and hers is SUZAI DATHUL JOANNA (^______^) but we are not twins okeyhh!
haha, let me proudly announce that I AM THE PHOTOGRAPHER of the day and all these photo and those which will be coming soon were unprofessionally taken by me. ("^______^) so, sorry for some of the blurring and shaking here and there LOL~
if there are any PROFESSIONAL photographers looking at these photos, im so much appreciate comments and lets share some tips for a BEGINNER like me erk~ hehe...now, for the first time ever let me presented to you my dearest 'baby'! enjoy...

here is my ALONG, the happiest person on the earth on the last 19th Nov 2011. huhuu...as usual sorry for the late post as i gotta lot of other things to be done beforehand ^^
thus, to along and abang Nang, wish you guys having a great moment and patiently wait for the nikah solemnization plak k~ hehe..im always praying for yours happiness tau!

obviously, the ceremony was blissfully done at my home sweet home which was located at Kajang. The full preparation of the 'pelamin', 'hantaran' and even the beautiful handmade kebaya was completely settled by my mom! ohh, and for making my sister looking dashing and gorgeous than ever~ (oitt..jangan kembang!)
Thanks to her hardwork as well as not to be forget our lovely neighbors who were together preparing the whole things from starting till the end! kamsahamnida~

guys, you are already cleared that how much i LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY but still don't own any SLR right? so, these whole photos were captured by the 'rental' DSLR Canon 450D of none other than k.yana. THANKS A LOT kak for opening an opportunity for me to sharpen and improve my skills.
and FYI, this is not the end. The more fascinating outdoor photoshoot are coming soon~ ^^
bestnya tgk org bertunang tambah2 cantik camni hehe
ReplyDeletehaha...ye la bese2 xmake up heavy cmni kn.. ^^ so awk ble lg zoey??? hehe
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