Now throw away the "Yuckkksss!" coz im already in LOVE with this main dish of Japanese and just wanna it more and more. HAHHAHAHA =) that "Yuckkksss!" was a moment before i step into this cozy sushi restaurant that is located in KLCC with my long-term bestie who is still single as me..hahahahhaha XD sorry Teha for this cheap publicity!

yup, the 1st person you saw in the pic is called as Teha and she is the responsible person who forced me to try on this SUSHI SAKAE restaurant since i told her that I HATE JAPANESE FOOD especially the sushi!!! ("^___^)
At first, i refused to follow her but yeahhhh...you know that I LOVE CHALLENGE (macam lah challenge sgt makan je pon!! hehehehe...) so, okeyhh...so, i give it a try! now, the ONLY SUSHI that i know and that can be swallow by my throat is the SALMON sushi LOL~
thus, all the order EXCEPT the salmon sushi lah kan haha...were picked up by miss Teha! ("^____^)

the sweet flavored mochi (LOL i forgot the name!)

hehe..my SALMON sushi and hers EGG sushi (sedap wooww..the sushi is sweet...erk!)

Ohhh...don't have memory bout this..the chicken what rice?? ("~_____~)

the what potato?? it taste like a mash potato!
now, what is the fascinating thing about this luxurious looks restaurant that amazed me?? HEHEHE...it is THE HOT WATER PIPE just besides your table which is used for you to self-service re-filling your GREEN TEA!! yup, the drink can be re-fill and it will only COST YOU RM1.20! =)

lalalalala...without hesitation, i should say that..if you are planning to treat me with a Japanese food, nahhhh...i DON'T HAVE ANY PROB with that! call me and i'll be your tester partner! "^^
thus, THANKS A LOT Teha...for introducing as well as treating me for this dinner..hehe insyAllah, i'll pay you back in the future k.. ^^
now, guys lets loudly and clearly shout...
" I LOVE Japanese food & I LOVE SUSHI!!! " haha XD
wahhh makan x ajak..camni ar wuwuwu
ReplyDeletealemak..babe ni ngan kwn skuool la plak~ hehehe next time kt date berdua plak erk "^^
ReplyDeletesedap nye...awk jahat..saje je post pasal mknn..alief dahlapar ni..hahaha..
ReplyDeleteENTRY BARU ALIEF..kalau nak popular dengan cepat,,sila baca..jgn malu-malu..ni dia tips-tips nak jadi popular dgn cepat..""
Kat mana Sakae Sushi ni? Menarik2. Hehe. Yang tap air panas tu~ =)
ReplyDeletealief..heheh sje je nk wat awk lapo t awk le cll sy kate nk blanja!!! XD
ReplyDeletehuda-->kat KLCC yang..hehe sy pon batak lah sgt ngan pipe air panas tuh~ ><
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