scarf as always came from a scarf shop in my lovely campus
oversized sleeve blouse bought by my MOM at Malacca
maxi skirt that i stole from my mom's old wardrobe
belt from OU at only RM1!
random accessories came from everywhere

hehe...im back with the photoshoot and all the bunch of me-posing-perasan-nak-jadi-model photos. hahhaha..but i know you guys LOVE it, right? HAHA ("^^) whatever lah kan~
a little bit about the repeating outfit, i don't really know what is the theme here but i guess it looks like 70's...erk~ hahaa..casual and feminine maybe but i confidently have to admit that i LOVE JEANS & TEE more than this outfit as the comfy level is higher..UUrghhh, but i don't have problem to try on any kind of styles as long as it fit me and i DON'T FEEL like a WEIRDO when im in the public! hoho
now, obviously with this outfit, you guys can guess where and when this photoshoot was done. yup, at the previous streetmarket where was located at Jaya One PJ and the photographer was always the same lady who enjoy to take my photos as well as i enjoy to take hers..hahaha kak Yana a.k.a Liyana Adam who blogs at Hidup Ini Seni~ thanks kak for the nice photos as always... ^^

hey guys, i know i shouldn't post any new entry since i have 3 midterm papers on the very soon next week! don't worry i just finished my revision and got to spend some fun time to release the tense.
IT IS SUPER IMPORTANT to let yourself do the things you love for a while before you proceed to continue stressing on the notes! so that, you will not get the tension and the studies gonna be so much better...thus, pray for my success in this semester which i hope i can increase up the CGPA although it is kind of hard to get that when you are in the FINAL YEAR.. ("~___~)
anyhow, i know i have to work harder in order to make it happen ^^ semangat-semangat and chaiyok to you as well, my dearest reader in whatever you are doing..!
*** hehheee..im thinking of organizing a GIVEAWAY contest HERE FOR THE 1ST TIME ever...since the followers are reaching up to the amount of 200...yeahh yeahh THANKS A LOT GUYS..XOXO (@___@)....so, wait for it k.COMING SOON***
cantek dressing :) heeeeeeee
ReplyDeleteheeeeeeeeeee..thanks fathiah ^^
ReplyDeletecantik oke, serius cantik. oke dah jeles
murah je fika rm25 WOOhhh..lg jeles ek..hahaha XD thanks..
ReplyDeleteakak berkenan sgt dgn blouse tu.. sgt padan dgn skirt tu.
ReplyDeleteThat shoes is a killer! Love the flesh tone, or in the world of fashion we call it 'nude' color. (Dunno whether that word is allowable in here. ahaks!)
ReplyDeletei vote the maxi skirt!! canggih ;p
ReplyDeletek.hanis--> hehe..g beli kak kat malacca..hahha ala times square pon ade "^^
ReplyDeletek.hanis--> hehe..g beli kak kat malacca..hahha ala times square pon ade "^^
ReplyDeletemr.zamri-->HAHHAHAHAHA XD dont worry it is 100% ALLOWABLE to use it here...hhaha coz i know what u means by d 'nude' term here..hehe cute~ "^^
ReplyDeletefarihah-->2nd votes from mine here..hahahha sbb tuh asik pkai skirt ni je kn...hahhaa kna tuka dh ni~ "^^
ReplyDeleteu look fantastic!!
oh fiona thanks.. ^^
ReplyDeletesayang...jom join contest...sebab muncung u santek la...hehe
haha..ogosh dh puji ni kna mng nih~ "^^ thanks a lot 4 inviting me ek..
ReplyDeletenice photoshoot plus u sangat2 gojes lah babe
ReplyDeletethanks fya...hisyhh GORGEOUS tu xd lah..CHOMEL tu ade r! hahaha tq babe~
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