how dare u call me....a STALKER???
did i be ur late nite messenger?
did i called u on the speaker?
did i turned ur live bitter?
yup, i am the one who added u in the FB...
so what?
i don't secretly save ur image in my lappy
i don't even bother who commented on ur wall daily
ohh, u thought that im going to the class to ONLY look at u
eh, sorry sikit....
i have so many capricious crushes other than u
well, they are way better than u lah~
poor boy,
ur sight is hurting me
please don't repeat that to another girls like me...
coz we are not STALKER-ing u,
we are just ADMIRING u
and both things are TOTALLY DIFFERENT!!
waaahh..bermadah nampak.haha..betul tu..stalking and admire is different thing.
ReplyDeleteENTRY BARU ALIEF-->sape cakap lelaki ber blog itu loser??you are freak..lelaki berblog itu stylo dan cool okay.."
love diz.
ReplyDeletebut i'm stalker-ing him at the same time admiring him too.
sabar ye suzai..ignore je mereka2 cmni..meh hug meh..nak mo marah2 nnt x chumel la mcm suzai yg akak kenal..
ReplyDeletealif-->yup, klu lelaki y phm xp..wa xkaco die pon beb!! ~~
ReplyDeletecik ckodok "^^ babe takat i tanye die single ke asal mane from my other classmate lah..so is ot stalkering huh..bleh blah..ramai lg y aku suke slain ko k!
ReplyDeletek.pinky-->huhuhuuu rase DISAYANGI..thanks akk..! muah3x..
ReplyDeletekakak memang sayang kamu adik!
ReplyDeletemuah muah muah back wiiiiii~
akak baru launch 1st GA jom support! launch x menahan hahaha
orang perasan bagus mmg gitu...
ReplyDelete"yup, i am the one who added u in the FB..."
-isu adding friends selalu x logik..stakat add friend pun jadi isu...satu klik simple, x bererti kita jatuh cinta terus kan? pelik dengan orang begitu....yg perasannnnnnn bagus... len kali, tulis di bio "if u add me, that means u stalking/luv/like me"
huhu THANKS A LOT 4 D SUPPORT mr.raulzaidi, ("~~) tu sal maybe slh satu reason y wat die dok PASAN NK MATI ni coz i added him in d FB! ceh POYO!! wehh org bru nk minat dh ngelabah cm nih...BOLEH BLAH!!!
ReplyDeletedorang dgn bangganya kot accusing ppl of stalking?? terasa sgt hot la tuuuu. deh, paranoid! abaikan je babe :)
ReplyDeletemmg die rs die HOT..ceh nyesal hakuh admire die!!! AArghhhhhhhhhhhhh..knapakah sy bagai tiada insan lein di muka bumi ini~
ReplyDeletewahhh babe sapekah?adekah ak kenal org itu huhu
ReplyDeletewanie chan-->of coz lu knal babe!!
ReplyDeletewoo..akak suka suzai nye entry ni..u go girl..akak support suzai..
ReplyDeletentah pape je la mamat tu..ish ish ish...xelok la nak perasan2 ni..
he should learn to appreciate those who admire him...bukn nye marah2 tak tentu pasal..
huhuu..thanks kak..yup, relax2 sudehhh kn...xyah nk gelabah ayam cam tuh~ huh..skg sy BENCI kat die!!!
ReplyDeleteedit je balik..orang macam tu orang yang x perlu di'admire'kan...
ReplyDeleteogosh...tu psl i nyesal camne la i le tersuke kat die..a.k.a teradmire..sheeetttttt!! huh xp la biarlah die........~
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