now, THIS IS ANOTHER STORY which is about the high class shopping mall, KLCC where high standard people came dress up to buy a high price of dresses. the moderate and low standard people just came for WINDOW shopping or lepak-ing at the park for free, yeahh...IM ONE OF THOSE people!
honestly, KLCC is NOT MY PLACE yet since i am student and i don't afford to shop in TODS, Marks&Spencer, ZARA, even TOPSHOP or other bunch of branded clothing there. yup, i know all the branded names because you know that i LOVE fashion, right? but don't worry MOM, i never spent any ringgit there yet!! ("~___~)

truthfully, i know that H&M and ZARA is just like a-must-brand-for-your-wardrobe to almost fashionista in the lookbook..huh! usually the pricing will start at RM119 for a shirt?? huhuh...FORGET IT!!!
im just an ordinary girl who LOVE FASHION and high-branded stuff A LOT, but what can i do? just patiently wait when i start my job and earn money by myself LOL~ im just envy those fashionista a.k.a the fashion bloggers who always uploaded their new look with the new items which HAS TO BE a branded one! LOL sometimes the less will make you more creative, right? ("^____^)
huh, sounds so loser erkkk~ AArgghh....enough about the branded-branded things. wat saket hati i je tau because im really admire their shoes! =P
so guys, thanks for reading both of my sighing and have a GOOD HOLIDAY of CHINESE NEW YEAR, GONG XI FA CAI mehh...~
adehhhmakkk.... layan times sqr murah sket ;p
ReplyDeleteKLCC IS one my fav shopping place! But I never shop Marks & Spencer sbb taste very orang tua. In London, only the oldies jer pakai M&S. And I hate Zara KLCC coz in d fitting room, the security cam is right in front of d door! Just silly... But for other shops, not too bad. I love Gucci & Aigner there. Hehe.. =)
ReplyDeletealways enjoying window shopping.. he..he..
ReplyDeletebetol2... just lepak jep :)
ReplyDeletesame here ... i like to go there soo much!! window shopping is a must!!
ReplyDeletehahahhaa... we sh. go together kan! one day k :))
hahaha jarang nak lepak shopping complex. macam akak cakap gak, student. hehe
ReplyDeletefarihah-->hahaha..eh jgn lah wat kantoi je i shop kat TS! XD
ReplyDeletemr. zamri--> ^^ HAHAHA..u r totally RIGHT, M&S n d famous ZARA is very the oldies..then i don't know why those gurls keep on saying that ZARA is d best brand 4 a fashionista?! erkk xphm~ taste lelain kot! ("^^)
ReplyDeletek.hanis and fathiyah--> hehehehhe...same here g KLCC coz nk g KINO only meh~ ^^
ReplyDeletesakinah--> yup, shopping tingkap ni pnting..kna survey price dlu b4 shopping! insyAllah..one day maybe ^^
ReplyDeleteadik BUYAT ^^ , harrr elok lah tuh..dok kat uia je blajar! hahahhaha XD
ReplyDeleteyeah!! KLCC mmg best..tapi,,duit pun kenalah besar utk pergi situ..hari tu alief gi sini,,tapi rugi duit tak ada..so,alief jalan2 je lah..tanpa beli apa2..huhuhu.. hye awk,,follow me back taw..saya tunggu.. http://aliefcmoi.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeletealief bkn awk sorg....haha sy pon sama lah! telan air liur je tgk nk beli FULUS XD ma...~ "^^
ReplyDeletehye sizzling..trima kasih sbb dtg blog alief yg byk ngarut..haha....awk,,alief dah jd follower awk yg ke 195..huhhu.follow me back..hehe..thanx..
ReplyDeletealief syg... "^^ i dh follow u dear..hehe thanks a lot 4 d support!! keep check on my blog yarrr ^^
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