hi dearest reader, honestly i think i should take a pulse talking about fashion for a while since the guy reader of my blog would be bored of it and i just worried that they may click UN-follow button if there is available here..hahaha ^_____^
ok..this was like in last month whereas we are still in the yaer of 2010, me and my friends who are the MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING students ("^^) were having a great time at the river called as Ulu Yam, Selangor. actually this is our second time going for a picnic together. now, WHY A PICNIC? hehhe..it is because it simple, short and FUN! moreover, Ulu Yam is just few kilometers from our campus.
tengok pose hakuh yang poyo tuh...haiihhh...~

Of course we are just 1/4 part of our class's residents because the other 3/4 portion are guys! hahah..we don't invite them since we just wanna spend some quality time on a day called girls day out. so, guys are prohibited to join our mandi-manda......leceh arrr! ("~___~) next time we plan for another trip which is not mandi-manda thing k ^^
yup, we are very close and i should say that I AM GRATEFUL to know you girls and hopefully, our friendship will NOT ENDED here. thus, we should appreciate our last semester next sem! huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...sedih lah plak..KORANG KITA SAYANG KORANG jugerrr!!! (T___T)
k.farhah, k.ekin, k.yati, k.wanie, k.nija ^^ , lina, piqah, Wanie-chan, parhin, dayah, baiyah, yana, amni.. (i think i don't miss out any names here..rite? )
lets pray that our frindship will last forever..amin..
wah... seronok nye... lame da x cam ni.. aduh... :)
ReplyDeletewah keluarga bahagia sungguh. part mkanan especially ;p
ReplyDeletefathiyah-->huuuhu kenapa tdk begini lg skg?? "^^ pg lah malaysia byk sungai..haha
ReplyDeletefarihah-->hahah yup we r d 1 heppy family!! ^^ haha..mkn2 SY y LEAD tgk bdn lah erk~ haha XD
ReplyDeleteCantik!! :)
ReplyDeletetq ain abidin..hehe thanks mlawat sy dsini!
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