the terms & conditions :
* mesti ada blog
* be this blog follower PINKY MOMMA
* and my contest blog as well
* put ths banner in ur entry & side bar too (make sure both must b link back to ths page)* buat 1 entry wif da title *cool wif sunglass!*
* tag 2 fwens at least
* yg msk ga ni pls inform me sape yg tag uols k..bg id follower dia (sbb org yg mengetag pun akn dpt hadiah)
* link kan entry anda smua kat entry ni jer ok
* * tarikh tutup : 19 march 2011 **
so, akk pinky ku sayang (hhahaa..bunyi cam bodek dh kan~ "^^) ini harrr pic sy yg mcm PARIS HILTON dh..hahha..hopefully it is cool enough for me to win your cool contest ni erk~ hehe

hemmm...as for the tagging, hehehe...kpd yg di tag, jgn marah ek tetibe ada nama anda di sini..sje jerr sorry utk kesuntukan masa yg di beri.. "^^
mahu join...kasi kelik ini meh~ CLICK SAYERR
WANIE-chan (ko mmg wajib cam biasa lah...hahahha)
.: SuzieSanji :.
Simply Aku O'gosh...
ReplyDeletewahh very da hilton!
tenkiu sudi join hugs skit..
tapi kamu x folo lg 1 blog
kat sini eh http://eppyphamdiarycontest.blogspot.com
akak mu tunggu k..
huhu...best of luck...will have to find the 'gedik'est pic to lawan..haha..tungguuu...
ReplyDeleteFinally I managed to post the n3. Thanks dear for tagging me....love ketat2
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