O-hayo..^^ ok this is my top pick of Japanese street fashion blog as it clearly showed the creative Japanese in styling their casual look straight away from their street to your pc...erk~ unfortunately, this blog was written in japanese language LOL "^^ O genki Desu ka?

now, this site is more like a sophisticated look, very clean and one of the very famous streetwear blog in the fashion world. however, it is also in japanese language...hohoho Arigato Guzaimasu "^^

yup, as the name of the blog, a JAPANESE street fashion blog and it is in ENGLISH!! if you are looking for the original street style, i meant the creative mix and match and crazy colours combo, go and visit this web. ^^

now, Ayeong haseyo... ^^ lets move on to another Asian sensation, the fashionista Korean. this is also one of the best street fashion blog in the fashion world and it is presenting Korean. daebak! "^^

Yup, another by the Korean ^^ hehehe...love this cutie korean boy!! nothing much, it is simpler and full of information of the stylist's outfit.

this is just a small portion of the hint mag blog, but i found that the style captures of stylish Korean here are fabulous. go and check it yourself, k ^^ end...kamsahanida~

yarrr, who said that we don't have a streetwear fashion blog here?! haha..now, this Tongue In Chic is always be my fav fashion blog and there is a portion of Malaysian streetwear at local fashion event in their web called as Where & Wear? as for this moment, i should say that....guys, you are the BEST!!! ^^

yarrr..this is another EXCITING SITE for street snap in our country, malaysia. i LOVE their huge and super clear photo here. thus, guys now it is time for you to also BE THE LOYAL READER of their blog as their jobs are as great as the blog's look! love it so much! ^^

now, prominently this tumblr is exhibiting KL streetwear but sadly, there was no update from them since i found their blog. Huh, c'mon guys your blog is awesome, keep up the PREVIOUS good works..ok? ("~~)
to the owner: if you guys are LACKING of blogger to update it, hemmmmm....GIVE ME A CALL and im always ready to be part of you coz i LOVE doing this kind of thing! heh heh heh~

now, i just found this blog as i googled our local streetwear fashion blog. i don't know if the owner was already determined to close his/her blog because there was also NO UPDATE since about 3 months ago! but, i fall in love with his/her efforts here and i found it is quite an interesting blog. so, PLEASE COMEBACK & UPDATE your blog LOL~
This is my FAV sneak peak ever... ^^

to all the fashion lover, despite the gender, you guys should already signed in with this so-call collective fashion consciousness fashion blog. you can see the non-stop update by the fashionista all over the world, yup INCLUDING MALAYSIAN okeyhh.. ^^
here, you can find various fashion styles from the street, to the casual or to the sophisticated one. you just have to name it!
okeyh, need to end here. a little bit wrap up from me. im always in LOVE with the streetwear as personally i think sreetwear is CREATIVE, original and indipendent! just be yourself and style it confidently...okeyhh ^^
THANKS a lot for spending your time on my infamous fashion blog "^^ and im always LOVE to hear any improvements comments from you guys, always appreciate the followers...terimas! XOXO
*** all the images are credited to the representative blog***
semua stylo2..alief nak ikut gaya rambut yg KLCC street style tu..rambut style yg sempoi..huhu...nice shot!!
bold. i wish i would have guts for these. all these are soooo you :)
ReplyDeletebanyak gila link streetstyle!
btw i loike.:)
eh nanti mai la jalan2 kalau kami ada buka booth lagi:D
Street styles are the best styles. Though some might look crazy, yet they're more original and inspiring than what you see on the catwalk. =)
ReplyDeletealief-->hahaha sje je i mek cth pic mamat tuh coz die kiut!!! EH....Org dh bc la new entry u tuh siap comment lg tau~ "^^
ReplyDeletefarihah-->hehehe..as i said mix whatever u hv n style it CONFIDENTLY...n tadaaa... u hv ur own streetwear style!! ^^ eh, i biase2 je xsmpi thp dorg ni pon...
ReplyDeleteshatirah-->hehehe mmg u akn suke punye coz THIS IS really UR STYLE..rite ^^
ReplyDeleteoppss:mmg nk sgt jmp u lg n shop kat kdai korg mmg BERBALOI! heh heh
mr. zamri-->yup, this is always be my FAV fashion style ^^ hehehe catwalk pn of coz lg mantap n much more inspiring in its own value!
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