ATTENTION to all the Bangi-rians, now the BEST GRILL BURGERS were in our town..so, what are you waiting for?
ehhh...cam iklan plak errkkk~..huhu..1st of all i should congratulate my best buddy as he is successfully realizing his dream to setup a burger stall by himself...and i wish that your aim to open a restaurant or those franchises will be a reality soon k..amin.. ^^
now, im not writing this review as a friend k..hehehe but im reviewing yours MR JUNIOR grilled burger as a customer, huh ready En. bedeks! ("^^) sile serious now....hemmm, the choice of the burgers are variety whereas you can see it in the menu above. while, the pricing are OK-lah because the quality and the quantity of the food itself are satisfying.
still don't feel anything?? .nah, look at these salivating images.....hemmmmmm...

MERRY-GO-ROUND, chicken+omelet+cheese=>fatty me! haha..

SPLASH BURGER, burger with the MR Junior's black pepper sauce, this is also known as burger utk comot-comot..hahaha yup its really for comot-comot one! i love the name coz its honest and cute too! ^^ but...i think the black pepper sauce is too strong then it makes the taste a BIT bitter..uurghh~

PIZZA BURGER, a recipe from the Italian. this one is marvelous..astalabista bebeh! hehehe..yup the taste is like you eat a pizza and a burger together-gether but seriously delicious! i'd give them 4.5 out 5 and everybody should try it!

look how excited we were on trying those grilled burgers! the location is at
UPDATED : ok..they're just moved at the
UPDATED : ok..they're just moved at the

oohhh, the most important thing is the rating..hemm, i should go for 4 out of 5 sizzling stars! so that, im HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you guys to give it a try! ^^
*** Encik bedeks sile bayar gaji saya as a promoter ok?!!! ("~~) ***
nak gi jugak!!!!!
ReplyDeleteahhaha XD kna lah g try sndri..xrugi tau drive dr uia! XD
ReplyDeletebesar gileee.... best je nmpak. tp burger gini taleh mkn ngn bofren neh. kang jatoh saham ;p
ReplyDeleteOMG Suzai! Sedapnya burger tu... tapi Bangi jauh... ada cawangan area KL x? hehhe
ReplyDeletefarihaha-->hahahaah HAGAK LAH yg splash tu je tol mmg splash! XD but y lein ok jerrrr kot ^^
ReplyDeleteazham, actually it is originally at shah alam but this one is another franchise by MY FRIEND ^^ soooooooooo...u kna g yg bangi punyer juger..xkire! haha
ReplyDeleteas salam..
ReplyDeleteekeke..selalu pergi.
student ukm ;D
memang sedaplicious~ ;)
er..kat atas tu..
black pepper source ke sauce?
typo error ;P
suka baca yang typo error ni.
ada satu blog tu, adminnya suka kumpul typo2 dalam blog yang dia terjah.haha..nak..eh? tak boleh like dengan share..
entry kamu mmbuat kan perut saya berbunyi2..huhu..nyum3x..simple entry kamu..byk gambar.suke3x..awk,,saya dah singgah blog awk,jgn lupa singgah blog alief..alief dah follow awk..do follow me back..thanx..alief tunggu taw..hehe
ReplyDeletewsalam mr/ms ...
ReplyDeleteTHANKS A LOT 4 that..i've correct it! u know why i blogged in ENGLISH although i knew that my english is BAD..coz i WANNA IMPROVE IT! so, if there r any wrong spelling/ even grammar mistakes, dun hesitate to inform me BUT NOT HUMILIATE ppl LIKE ME k ("^_____^)
p/s:bg r link blog y kumpul typo error tuh coz i ske klu die bc blog i, then he/she can always b my english guru (^^) SERIOUSLY!
.huhu.. actually,,awk tekan je kat nama tu,,dia akan keluar juga..hehehe..btw,,nice entry..boleh gak aku belajar inggeris sikit2 sambil buka kamus..thanx..
ReplyDeleteni my link.. http://aliefcmoi.blogspot.com/
hahahha XD yup, mari kt blajar inggeris brsama! mmg sometimes i 'bkak' kamus pon cr vocab!nk blajar xle malu ma... "^^
ReplyDeleteErk. Lapar la pulak~ ;p
ReplyDeletehaha..sy pon sama ^^ jom g!
ReplyDeleteMacam best jer burger ni...I yang duduk dekat bangi ni pun tak tau.....
ReplyDeleteslalu gak p VV ni... jambatan die goyang2... masa time puasa..penuh tmpat org book... jenuh~
ReplyDeletetp mahal sket la....
si kodeng-->g lah skodeng burger ni..haha skg kat fasa 4 tambahan tau! ^^
ReplyDeleteVV apekah itu shahjiehan??!! dimanakah itu?! ><
ReplyDeletebole bg klu sikit x fasa 4 tambahan 2 ktne?? sbb bru je dtg cni,,,
ReplyDeleteanonymous-->sorry sorry i x update the location.dear, THEY WERE ALREADY PINDAH KAT AREA ECONSAVE, DOWNTOWN BANGI TUH! xslap restaurant Layar Maju ok..huhu my mistake n thanks 4 visiting in here.. >.<
ReplyDeleteala da tak der kat sek 15 da la ye..jauh pulak nak ke jalan reko tu..hihihi.. tapi takpe nak rase punye pasal kene terjah.. tq 4 ur info =)
ReplyDeleteps: i follow u, senang2 follow i eh..=)
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