Alhamdulillah..honestly that is not exactly the 1st word that came out from my mouth when i received the winner announcement TOP 20 BLOGPOST, i just like ok now i have the chance to get the phone coz i hv been shortlisted here and btw, im already have the 3D NARNIA 3 movie passes..the GREAT things started here!
then, i read the other email from our dearest NUFFNANG mr. ROBB which congratulated me as the GRAND PRIZE WINNER........omo, should be express in the proper way..OH MAI GOAT biar betul ni...SERIUS??!?? ...I AM THE WINNER of the Grand Prize and it is the brandnew Sony Ericsson Xperia™ X10!! shoooooootttt!
yup, till now i cant stop thanking the Almighty for giving me the rizk since im dying to have a CAMERA but NO MONEY kn..hahah okeyhh I KNOW THIS IS A PHONE but i care more about the 8MGpxl camera more than anything..it is a GREATEST pleasure for me..syukran jazilan ya Allah ^^
then, when i further reading the email that saying i should come to the PRESS CONFERENCE of the EON bank credit cards for the prize giving ceremony (remember this is the collaboration of Nuffnang and EON bank) so, i just like WWoooww..it is awesome! ^^ i cant be more excited than this! THANK YOU EON BANK and NUFFNANG for making my 1st DEC 2010 memorable...muahh3x (~,~)
the location was at the garden-british-style SCRUMPTIOS restaurant off jln Yap kwan Seng and the food is good, you know how much i LOVE to pose at the beautiful location cuch as that so, here are the nice view with the same cheap model who is ME! and that are taken by the SO NEW SONY XPERIA.....hahaha bau kedai giilerrr! XD

thus...this is the absolutely fabulous prize! (^_____^)

ok guys..thanks for wishing me for the contest post and the most is for envying the XPERIA..hehe better luck next time k..GOOD LUCK ^^

wow!!!! congrats!! bestnye hadiah!! :DD
ReplyDeletewah... seronok nye.... tahniah ye.......... :)
ReplyDeletejelesnye jelesnye jelesnyeeeeeeww!!
great X10
wahhh babe...congratssss...beznye hadiah pewitttt
taniah taniahhhhhh!!!!!
wahhhhh best glerrrr~~~! tahniah!
ReplyDeletehuiyoO... nek sem, hp bru!
THANKS A LOT GUYS!!!! (^____^)
ReplyDeletethis is really a big thing 4 me coz i dont care bout phone as long as it can cll out, smsing, play the music...it is enough 4 me!
so now it is a touch2 one..im so glad here ^^
so....GOOD LUCK guys 4 other contest rajin2 lah join insyAllah one day u will b call as the grand prize winner also! ^^
follow ur blog...
thanks sekamar rindu ^^
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