Mozilla Firefox.....on
'ur email'.............log in!
in the blink of eyes..
the most famous community website on the world..
yeahh..especially for MALAYSIAN..
pop-up in front of your sight!
it just separated like a TROJAN VIRUS long-long time ago
but this is the most DANGEROUS one
since it effected no gender and no ages discrimination!
here, there anywhere people talk about it.
(okeyh, even myself)
the first thing first when i am connected to the IIUM community wifi..
i opened my FB page to check if there any FRESH-HOT-hunk in my waiting list!
or if there any massage from the CUTie-pitty-already-friend of mine..
or even any POST from the famous-amous-campus-guy,
so that i can reply to it..
and stay connected with them..uhuuuu although it just in the FB!
so craziee meh~
"i am a SINGLE-mingle lady...okeyhhh"
now, the TRUTH REALISM story of the FB..
1. have you done adding your friends?
excluded your recent uni friends, your ex-classmate in high school and primary school or maybe your ex-sitting-besides-you kindergarten golden time..2. have you done adding your cousins?
can say your another BIG tree family link..there is also the family-link application in the FB rite?so, have find your uncles, aunts, nephew, or your-CUTE-cousin's friends..
huh..so0oo much to be add here..
3. have you done adding your childhood neighbor?
as i did this, i found my monkey-donkey-LOVER (well, actually SYOK SENDIRI jek) in the FB and i just wait till he add me by promoting myself at his sister's FB WALL..!* DESPERATE i am..?!?"*
don't tell anybody r about this...heh heh heh
4. now, the SCARY-darry question..have you done adding you MOM&DAD?
warghhhhh...i can't stay this..they are, how can you IGNORE them by not accept their FRIEND REQUEST?!?
the reasons here are A LOT-a lot-a lot... T_T
1. your photos of you & your true LOVER with the EXTRAVAGANZA husband-and-wife poses will be check one by one by them..i think for those who is NOT SINGLE as me will be damn UNCOMFORTABLE of this, huh?
*relieve a lil' bit coz i am SINGLE!*
2. your hanging out a.k.a LEPAK-ing activities will be reveal 1 by 1 by them...wahahaha my mom already DID THIS..usually you don't tell your mom you are planing to go for midnight movie or teh tarik satu, rite..?
because there is no reason we should tell her, just lepak-ing for a few hours then we get back to our campus-lah! BUT NOT FOR THEM!!!!
3. your lifestyle instead of being the NERDY-bookworm son/daughter in the home-sweet-home, now they can know the differences of yourself in the campus..
for those who at the kampung, they properly wears a BAJU KURUNG with the scarf on the head every minute and every second as she was told to do so..
but now, in the K.L campus, all those long-long wears are GONE and the scarf is still there but it was being 'playing-with-style' as a short mini skirt!
waaalllahhhh...lalahh..YOU R NOW A DEAD MEAT!

I LOVE THAT PART soo0oo much!
since i knew some of the hypocrite people around me that have DONE that kind of thing..
you should be AWARE because one day all your secret-recipes will be reveal!
but for those who didn't do any big problems(of your mom's point of view)
you don't have anytrhing to be SCARED..
just go and having fun with your friends
then, you upload the photos..
since it was a PAST things, and they (mom&dad) could not do anything with it..!
NICE ADVISES from me huh?
whatever it is..
without are not as you are today..
to mama ETON & papa JOE,
ADIK SAYANG mama & papa s0ooooo much!
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