Official MV : Joe Jonas Puts A Ring On It
Beyonce's "Single Ladies" video has been
the subject of many viral-video parodies,
most notably in a Saturday Night Live skit
starring Justin Timberlake, Andy Samberg, and Beyonce herself.
But the latest attempt at the diva's unitarded dance fad may be the strangest yet,
and it is--to quote the always quotable Jonas Brothers--totally burnin' up on the Interweb.

i tried to post d' vid here..
but it distracting my layout setting..
so, i juz can put d link of YouTube here..
my comment as 1 of his fans,
dear d'always-CUTE-JoeJonas,

hemmm...what cn I say
bout dis vid,
maybe u should stick 2 ur original gender
and just play it cool...
n d most important is..
plz dun do it again..
u r looking sooo UGLY..
but i still LOVE u...heheheh
a lot of ppl said dat u r gay.. lar he is a 'straight' cute guy
maybe bcoz he is t0oooo0 CUTE!

then ppl r jealous on his cuteness
n talk NONSENSE bout him!
whatever it is..

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