in the end i cannot wait till tomorrow to buy d SuJu n Mirotic albums..
yup..i just came back from Times Square n still dont sleep yet...
rite now I felt lil' bit dizzy n my eyes r trying so0oo hard to keep themselves from shut offffff...! so pedih lar ini mata...but...
hahahahaha....so0ooooo sooo0ooo EXCITED!
guys...i've already own my d-very-own...
SUPER JUNIOR 3rd album SORRY SORRY version B..
version B lol~coz d POSTER is has all the 13 members there!
DONG BANG SHIN GI 4th album MIROTIC version C + clean version
(Under my sky)...
This is d LATEST one coz u will get the CLEAN version n also the Acoustic Mirotic version!

plus...d MOST valuable thing...
yARR hw cn i refuse to buy this...yes its ONLY RM10 n its YELLOW!

credits to me, myself n I for the PICTURES editing..
SizZLing SuZai_choi
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