The rain just stop..n I slowly make my way to the bathroom to take wudhu' as it was already 6.00pm and i don't perform my solah yet..hohoho
As I'm on my way..Suddenly I just 'stop n stare' :P the view in front of my eyes.. was STUNNING + SHINNING n SIZZLING!
u wanna know why...
<---- this view lor...cos it looks so0ooo yellowish (which is my fav colour ever) plus its s000oooo0 FRESH...even the 'lopak air' is still there...
I don't really know that there is such a GREAT scenery outside of my room..if its not bcoz of this rainy + windy evening...hehehee
Actually....the main point is this tree!
yarrr...this golden tree makes me feel like i wanna stand there 4 the rest of my life...hahahaha...
so0ooo HYPERBOLA lor~
but its true with that kind of view plus the 'angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa' hehehe...n this YELLOWish tree...
I just can't stand with anything that is YELLOW in colour...
even my 'selipar jamban' also is YELLOW in colour meh..
yup, i wanna everything in YELLOW...d most important is PELAMIN lar...hahaha
hehehe...dunno why i'm so0ooo obses on YELLOW...hemm why lol~
till I satisfied with all the pic taken...
then suddenly I remember something...
"Aiyaa..sulah 6.30pm.belom solat lagih ma...!" haha so..the morals of the story are...
1) perform ur solah earlier
2) dunnot to0oo OBSESS on YELLOW colour
3) don't slowly + lazily walk to take wudhu' then suddenly sing the song 'STOP n STARE'..hahahah
thanx 4 reading my dull day on a RAINING evening!
b4 i end...this is what i get n its 1 of my arts..thanx to that Yellowis+freshing evening..

credits to:
* k.Yana for the camera (huuuu i duun hv any cam...sooo0o SAD lol~)
* n me,myself n I-->SizZLing SuZai_choi for the picture editing
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