
now is already 3.09 a.m n today is 17th March 09...
huuuu...HAPPY BELATED BDAY to myself!
yup, yesterday which was only about 3 hours ago was my 21st BIRTHDAY!!!
actually i wanna write something b4 d' day end..
unfortunately, i dun hv time 4 that...lalalallaa..
I juz finished my report n now the time for me 2 'pour' all the things in my mind..
There's nothing so0ooo SPECIAL for this year except d fact dat it INCREASING
my age number lol~
dunno i felt a lil' bit sad..maybe coz again maybe coz some of the important person in my life didn't wish yet...lalalala...
i know dat actually they remember it but juz too busy to realize that yesterday was 16th of MARCH!
Anyhow...Thanks a lot
bahot-bahot syukriya to my MOM n along as well as Kak Naz 4 doing a simple party 4 me on the last 15th March 09 since i've to come back here on that evening...
I really appreciated it since there was a long long time ago i didn't celebrate my birthday..
hehehhe...long, thanks 4 d pizza..lein kali leh belanje lagih k!
n also to all my BELOVED FRENDS..aceh ceh..
thanks guys 4 wishing me....LOVE ya'll..!
my wishes...emmm....
Hope I can be a BETTER person as well as MUSLIMAH and daughter to both my parents!
Wish all my dreams come true especially in studies n LOVE hahaha...
hope i can get a BETTER BETTER result...amin...
warghhh...rite now it was ' hujung hujung tanduk' lalalala...
and actually there's a lot more wishes n hopes... :D
cannot fit this space n the most is I've to stop here coz i've got class tomorrow mornin'!!!
again...SAENGIL CHUKA HAMNIDA to myself!
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